Chapter 20

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... I ride into the practice ring, I'm not paying attention to Ichabod because I'm thinking about what he said. "I shouldn't be worried...?" I'm snapped back into focus when Caroline screams at me and Ichabod comes to a screeching halt in front of the jump.

"Caitlin what are you doing!? your on the wrong lead and not watching his strides. focus."

"Oops your right i need to focus." i shake my head and turn him around to go around the jump and go around again. i time it perfectly and pay attention and he soars over it.

"There we go. now your on in 10 put on your coat." she walks over to me and takes Ichabod over to the side of the ring where my family is. they hand my my coat and i put it quickly on. my mom fixes it and Keith stops me before i walk back to mount Ichabod.

"Caitlin whats up? thats not like you at all to not focus when your riding especially at a show. you know thats when you get hurt."

"Its what you said. About Nicole"

"Oh god Cait dont worry about her. she won't do anything."

"Ok i believe you. now go and find seats. ill be going up and riding quite soon."

"Ok and what height are you jumping again?"

"Grand Prix height, ill talk to you after ok?"

"Definitely" the walk off and find seats while i remount Ichabod and focus myself. Caroline follows me over to my spot in line.

"Cait focus you got this. you know Ichabod can do this without a problem. you just have to focus."

"Ok I will."

"Good luck"

"Thank you." the announcer calls my name and i ride out to the center of the ring.

"Here is entry number 398, Ichabod Crane ridden by Caitlin ... From Royal Woods Equestrian." the announcer keeps talking about Ichabod as I start riding a big circle towards the start and the first jump. the bell sounds signaling that I have 30 seconds to make it to the starting clock (which is positioned a stride before the first jump). I bring Ichabod up to it and position him perfectly and takes off perfectly soaring over the first jump. I think to myself "ok first clear, 13 more to go" we clear the first 11 and head towards the triple bounce, each jump getting harder as you go down the three. I position him to go straight down the center. He jumps, 1st one clear, one stride in between the next one, he jumps, clears the 2nd, a stride in between the 3rd, he jumps... and he clears the 3rd. I hear the final bell signaling the round is over, and circle him around the the ring to the exit. I cant pat him enough. I hear the announcer say.

"First clear round of the day! it was a fast one too!.."

"Great job boy!" I dismount and Caroline takes him and throws on his blanket.

"Great job! your current ranking is 1st. ill take him from here, you have an hour till the next round of this Grand Prix."

I smile "thanks! he did most of the work! and ok ill be back here soon i just wanna check in with Keith and the gang first."

"Ok! well be here"

"Keep his tack on for now.. since the rounds in an hour i don't wanna take him around bareback like i usually do yet"


I pat Ichabod, give him a baby carrot then walk over to the stands and find where everyone else is.

"Great job Caitlin! Ichabod is a gorgeous jumper and mover" Rebecca remarks.


Keith gives me a hug "you did great!"

"Thanks" i laugh and the rest of my family congratulates me. my aunt pulls me off to the side.

"Hey i have a feeling Keith likes you.. a lot"

"He does... i haven't told anyone else yet so you can't either! but were engaged"

"I wont say anything! and omg!" she smiles and we walk back to group.

I just happen to hear the announcer say "Nicole just took second with a fast round but a penalty. Caitlin still has a long lead but theres another contender coming up."

"Wait Keith is that your ex?"

"Yeah..." he sighs and gets up and walks away without saying anything...

Little things (A Keith Urban Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now