Chapter 38

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-at the dress shop-

"What about this? I love this with the boots but does it look too much like a wedding dress? what do you think?" I come out and show him this dress

"Cait it looks amazing on you, I think it looks great"

"Ugh you said that about the last one too!"

"Its true though!"

"Thanks, ill put this in the maybe pile." I grin then run back to change into another dress. I come out in this light pale aqua lace dress. I'm in love with this dress.

"I think this ones it. Keith its perfect!" I walk out and he's just grinning

"That ones - perfect"

"Ok so this ones for prom which is in a month. I love the white one so can we get that one for the ACMs?"

"Of course!" we go and talk to the manager that was helping us and work out the details.

-at the ACMs-

Keith's off somewhere with a group of people socializing. Luke wanders over "Hey Cait!"

"Heya Luke."

"Where's Keith?"

"I have no idea he wandered away and kinda forgot about me I think.."

"I don't think he forgot about you." Luke laughs.

"He left me a while ago to go talk to people.. I think Hayden."

"Ah well theres people who I know want to meet you. C'mon ill take you to go meet them."

"Hah ok, Keith really should be doing this but... oh well" I follow him. He introduces me to, Jason Aldean, Reba, Carrie, Lady A and a ton of other people. Keith's off with Hayden still which is now worrying me.

"So Caitlin your the one who's engaged to Keith right?" Jason says.

"Yup thats me" I laugh.

"Keith wandered off didn't he?"

"Yeah. Luke showed me around and introduced me to everyone. He did Keith's job so..."

"That sounds like Luke."

"Do you know where Keith went?"

"I think I saw him with Hayden over by the reporters but then again I'm not positive. We have to go sit soon cause the show starts in 10 min so you would definitely find him there."

"Ah ok, I think I'm going to go look for him. It was nice to meet you" I smile and walk off.

Luke turns to Jason and whispers "she's not happy with him."

"Well i don't blame her.. he kinda ditched her for Hayden didnt he?"


I cant find him so I go and sit down. I find him already sitting with Hayden. I sit in the open seat next to him.

"Hey" is the only thing he says to me.

The whole time He's talking with Hayden and having a good time.he's Ignoring me. I just happen to make eye contact with Hayden once and she just gives me a evil look. Something's up and I know it. Keith goes up and wins a couple awards. He performs once. Its Only You Can Love Me This Way, we usually perform and he had planned to have me come up onstage with him to sing it. But he calls Hayden up instead.

Luke who's sitting next to me grabs my arm to get my attention. "I dont know why hes doing this"

"I-I dont know either" I'm shaking and on the verge of crying.

"Cait calm down its probably nothing." He's trying to calm me down but its not working

"He's Ignored me the whole time. He's singing our song with someone else. the only thing he's said to me was 'Hey' when I sat down. Hayden obviously hates me. I'm done."

"Caitlin I totally get what your saying. but try to give it some time"

"I've given it enough time. I'm so done. I think I'm just going to call a cab and head back to the hotel. when he comes back to sit down please give him this." I hand him the ring and get up and leave.

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