Chapter 16

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-the person pounds harder on the door-

I look at Keith "who could that be?"

"I dunno, ill get it though" he walks to the door and opens it "hello?"

Matt flips when he sees Keith "what the FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE!?" he starts to push Keith.

"Caitlin run and call the police" Keith stands his ground

"No Cait stay your gonna wanna see this" He starts to push Keith some more

"I'm not scared of you. Caitlin go!" I run and call the police. Keith pins him down till the police arrive.

"Matt why won't you just leave me alone?" i plead with him

"Cause you left me and no one leaves me"

Keith presses down on his neck with his forearm even harder "see now thats where your wrong Matt, last time i checked your the one pinned down and I'm the one with her as a girlfriend"

"Yeah right! your just using her! like i did! no one wants her. the obsessive horse girl"

What he said hurt a lot "I hate you Matt. so much"

"Baby don't listen to him. you know i love you and your wanted. no wonder why you don't trust. this bastard here ruined your trust" he pins down even harder and then the police walk in

"We got it from here sir" they walk over and handcuff him.

He screams while he's being led away "YOU BITCH! IMMA KEEL YOU! I-" Keith shuts the door before i can hear what he says. tears are streaming down my face.


"Don't listen to a word he says" he comes over and engulfs me in a huge hug

"I'm so scared" I'm as close to him as i physically possible and i don't want to let go.

"Don't be I'm here and i always will be" i feel him reach for something and take it out. "Caitlin?"


"Will you marry me?" he gets down on one knee and I'm speechless...

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