Chapter 18

492 11 1

-the next morning-

I smile as I lean over and kiss him.

"So i have a horse show today wanna come?"

"Sure!" He smiles then looks at the clock

"What time is it?"


I shoot up and out of bed "oh crap I'm running late" i quickly grab my clothes and jump into the shower

"What time do you have to be there?"

"10:00 but i always get the horse ready an hour early. it typically takes longer than an hour so i get up at least 3 hours before"

"Ah ok well want me to help?" he throws on some clothes and puts on his boots

"Sure go out the the first barn in the back, grab his halter from the first tack room by the front door, then go grab Ichabod from his stall and put him in the cross ties in the barn isle."

"Umm ok... Ichabod?" he laughs a little

"Yes Ichabod, his name is on the stall door, its the one that says Ichabod Crane. He should come nicely."

"Umm ok"

"You have no idea how to tie and halter a horse do you?"

"Not really"

"Ok ill do it and ill show you how too. ill be right out there just go and grab his halter for me, its on his hook." he leaves as i finish my shower then throw on my t-shirt and my jodhpurs, and my boots. I iron my show coat and my show shirt then put them in my truck along with my helmet and my riding crop. I run out to the first barn and find Keith with Ichabod's halter.

"I found his halter"

"Good ok now follow me and watch" i walk over to the stall with the name 'Ichabod Crane' on the door and I slide open the door with Keith behind me watching. I undo the stall guard and enter the stall with the big black Salernitano stallion. I put on his halter and lead him out without a problem and over to the cross ties.

"He's gorgeous babe."

"Thanks he's purebred." I walk and go and grab the brush box. I brush him and clean his hooves before i spray his coat with a coat shiner and paint his hooves with a hoof shiner.

"Wow who knew this much work went into getting a horse ready for show"

"Oh I'm no where near done yet" i laugh a little then comb and braid his mane and tail.

"You done now?" he's smiling.

"Nope, now to put on his travel blanket and boots." I grab his blanket and put it on then his travel boots. i grab his bridle, bell boots, saddle pad and German jumpers saddle.

"Your putting that on now?" he's very confused.

"No! haha its gonna get another shining then go and be put in the trailer. Oh! i forgot! have you ever trailered something before?"

"Yes that i have, want me to go hook up the trailer?"

"Yes please!" I toss him the keys to my truck "the trailer's out back get the 4 horse one thats silver and it has 'Royal Woods Equestrian' on the sides and back." He walks off while i shine the tack. I finish shining the tack when Keith pulls up

"This one?"

"Yup! that one"

"Great" he turns off the truck and gets out. I load up the tack in the storage area, then double check how he hooked up the trailer

"Good ok you did that great"

"Thanks now is he the only horse your showing?"

"Yup today he is, wanna grab him for me? here's the lead" i hand him the lead.

"Sure! ill try but you better follow closely behind" he walks in and i follow. I let him undo the clips and hook up the lead.

"Just remember don't loop it around your hands and if anything startles him or you drop the lead. he won't go too far if he is spooked so its the safest thing to do."

"Ok" he leads him over to the trailer without a problem

"Ill take him from here, can you run into the barn office and go to the file cabinet and pull the file that has 'Ichabod Crane' on top? Its in alphabetical order so it should be right there. it has his medical papers and breed registry in it along with a copy of mine that i need to check in." Keith nods and I load him into the trailer as Keith goes to find the file.

He returns with a Manilla folder "this it?" he hands it to me.

"Yup thats it! thanks ok so jump into the truck, while i make sure that i didn't forget anything and i'll say bye to my parents and then were off"


I walk off and check my list, i didn't forget anything. I walk into the house

"Guys I'm going! my first round is at 11:30"

"Ok well be there!" my mom says as i run back out the door.

"Ok so now were all good. time check"

"9:00" he turns on the radio

"Perfect! itll take about 30 minutes to get there and i have to check in at 10"

"Ok so were all good!" he smiles and we depart.

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