Chapter 48

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-back at the hotel-

Theres a knock on the door.

"Hello?" I open the door.

"Hey Cait" its Harry.

"Hey whats up?"

"Is Keith here? We need him to go over something with us for a little bit"

"Sure Ill go get him. He fell asleep"

"Ok ill wait here."

I walk over and go and tap Keith, who fell asleep reading a 'How to be a father' book.

"Wha? I'm awake!" he jumps up

"Harry's here and they need to go over something with you. Keith you don't have to keep reading that it was a joke I never actually meant it."

"I want to read it though and ok." he throws on a shirt and goes over and leaves with harry.

-20 min later Keith returns-

"So what was that about?"

"They're thinking about adding another judge, a 4th one to the panel."

"Ah who?"

"Either Hayden or Jake Owen.."

"Oh god i hope you said no to Hayden."

"I did but Jake has always had a thing for you.."

"He has?"

"Yeah.. you can't tell?"

"Well i can but I've never talked to him for a long period of time."

"Yeah so both aren't great."

"Ah" I shift my weight for him to tell me who they decided on

"Well we went with Jake. your going to have to meet him tomorrow, all the contestants are." He seems like he's hiding something

"Ok well I'm not too worried"

"Me neither" he's lying.

"Ok what are you not telling me?"

"Oh nothing"


"Fine, they're adding both jake and Hayden."

"Great" I roll my eyes and hop down on the bed.

"Well lets just see how they react to meeting all of you. Jake and Hayden don't know your a contestant so."

"Ok" I smile...

"Oh and you have to sing, your not going to be judged its just to get them to know your voice, they will give feedback but it doesn't affect you in anyway"

"Oh perfect" I roll my eyes again.

-at the meet-

I walk onto the stage in front of the now large judging panel, and the rest of the contestants and Keith starts to say

"Ok so C-"

Jake interrupts him "so whats the pretty girl going to sing for us?" i watch him in shock as he looks me over.

"Jake, don't interrupt" Harry says. Keith's not happy, and Hayden is trying to get him to focus on her.

"Ill sing Somewhere In My Car"

Keith grins "ok"

I start to play and sing. Jake loves it, Hayden wants nothing to do to me, and Keith obviously loves it.

"So Beautiful, your really good." Jake is grinning.

I roll my eyes and Keith isn't happy.

"Ok let me set things strait, Hayden I will NEVER be your boyfriend and jake She is MY fiancée. So stop hitting on her."

"Hey no harm in dreaming right?"

"Jake and Keith. stop" Harry steps in "You all know she loves me." everyone laughs. theres Harry breaking the tension again.

"If you say so" Keith laughs "thanks Cait"

I smile and walk out..

Little things (A Keith Urban Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now