Chapter 21

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"Well Keith is that a good thing or a bad thing?"

"Cait she's bad news, now don't worry about it cause you have to go and ride in a little. be safe and careful and ill see you after the round." he gives me a hug and i walk off..

-I wake return to consciousness to see everyone asleep, I'm in a hospital bed. Keith looks like he hasn't slept or eaten in weeks and my mom stirs a little then wakes up.-

"Mom?" i whisper

"oh my God your awake!" She almost screams but i quiet her down.

"Keith looks terrible, is he ok?"

"I know... he hasn't been eating, he'll eat every few days or so and then he hasn't slept too well either"

"Oh god, why?"

"Cause of you, he felt responsible for saying thats she was his ex and you getting distracted and then the fall"

"Oh God no wait how long have i Been out for?"

"About a month the doctors werent sure if you ever were gonna wake up"

"Oh geez i was out for that long!?"


"Do you think that Keith would start eating better and sleeping if he thought i was dead?"

"Maybe i don't know"

"This is gonna be hard... get the doctor and ask if i can get my room changed, don't wake Keith and could you tell him that i died? i feel like that thats the best thing for the both of us''

"But Caitlin he's gonna be devastated"

"He probably will but if it takes a weight off of his shoulders then thats what i want, please go get the doctor"

"Ok" she wakes my dad up who i explain the plan to, then he goes and gets the doctor who moves me but allows my mom to stay in the room and pretend like she's crying.

-after I'm moved-

Keith wakes up. "hey whats wrong?" he pats my mom's back

"Keith... she-she's gone"

"What!? when?"

"About 20 min ago the doctor said that she had passed"

"No! no! oh god this is all my fault" he starts to cry

"Keith don't, its not your fault it was a freak accident. I know Caitlin she wouldn't want you to be blaming yourself. or not eating and sleeping."

"I - I.. she can't be gone.. she just can't... there was so many things i wanted to say but i couldn't or i didnt know how.. so many things i should have said" he just breaks down and my mom hugs him.

"I know believe me I know..."

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