Chapter 27: Milk And Freedom

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I'm so terribly sorry for the long wait, but writer's block is a bitch. I still don't think I have overcome it fully, but hope it will end soon. 

Song up there is I lived by OneRepublic play at the car scene! 

Also the convertible^

And of course enjoy!


Sometimes you have to let go and be free.


Well, that was it then, I was in no need to speculate anymore. Sophie made it clear what had occurred between the two of them when she uttered those words. I had no idea what I had been expecting, but to be honest I had a hard time keeping my jaw in place. 

Right there in front of me was the living proof that Ryan was who he was and that he wouldn't change. But what was I expecting? For him to take a 180° turn? No, of course not. I guess I just forgot who he really was, because he acted so different lately when we were together. But was that a lie? Was he just pretending? What was his real personality like? The Ryan A. Johnson who told me about stars, who comforted me, who stood up for me?

Or had he actually always just been the famous player, the star-QB of our school? 

And did I really want to stay and find out?

Ryan rolled his eyes. "It was the last time I did that for you anyway."

"Oh, come on. We both know that's not true." She patted his arm. "You said the same thing last time."

He placed the rim of the mug against his lips. "I'm serious this time, that's a promise." He winked at her before taking a sip.

She slapped his arm and he laughed and for the first time their was laughter in his eyes too. The sparkling of the green in his eyes went up a notch. And I realized that for the first time since I've known him he looked happy. Content even.

Then Sophie turned to me again as if she forgot I had been there all along. "I'm sorry you had to see that. How about you come in and get that coffee we talked about?"

There was that feeling in my chest that I couldn't understand and a lump was forming in my throat. "Oh er," I cleared my throat. "Thanks, but I don't want to keep you from-" I cut myself off, unable to form words and cleared my throat again. "Anything. I, er, I think I should go." I took a step back.

He frowned. "But you just got here."

"Yeah, I-I..I know, but I didn't mean to intrude and.. y-you-you look pretty busy and-"

"Ah," she waved the idea off. "Don't be ridiculous."

"I-I, er, I really think I should go now." I turned around.

"Bee." And then a hand enclosed my wrist and I stopped dead in my tracks. I took a deep breath. Gosh, what was wrong with me? "Don't go. We have work to do after all, don't we?"

I closed my eyes and let a shaky breath go. "You are right." I nodded and slowly turned around again to face him. "You are right."

He studied me with a look on his face which I could only explain as confusion mixed with determination mixed with a little curiosity. He wasn't standing very far away from me. To be exact I could even feel the warmth that was radiating off his chest which reminded me once more that he wasn't wearing a shirt.

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