Chapter 42: Not A Flicker Of Light

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Hey guys

Another AN at the start of the chappy. Sorry, that it took me so long to update, but I had a breakdown while writing this because Scotty (my laptop) almost died on me and in doing so deleted part of this chapter which I then had to rewrite. I was utterly devastated and tried to rewrite it as best as I could, but the outcome isn't as good as it's first been.

Whatever, without further ado...

Here it is.



"Those who know what it's like in the dark will do anything to stay in the light."~Victoria Aveyard, King's Cage


Needless to say that I wasn't in the mood for some bonding time with the team after my conversation with Sam. My friends wouldn't hear any of it. They insisted to join them. However, I insisted to stay at home and somehow I managed to win the argument and was driven home.

That night, bundled up in my bed with blankets wrapped around my form, I cried. I cried for the end of my possible relationship with Sam. I cried for the pain I'd inflicted. I cried for myself.

The following days I was miserable. There wasn't much that could distract me from Sam and it didn't help that he was constantly calling and texting me. I flipped my phone over and studied the screen. 1 new voicemail. 9 new text messages.

I sighed and against my better judgement listened to the voicemail.

"Liz, I'm sure you know it's me. Please call me or contact me in some other way." He sounded pained. "We need to talk." Pause. "I don't know why you push me away, but I'm not going to accept this. I can't-"


I quickly pulled my phone away from my ear and pocketed it when Logan approached me. He sat down beside me. "You okay there, Bunny?"

I nodded.

"Were you talking to somebody on the phone?"

"Just a voicemail," I explained. "Shouldn't you be out on the field?"

He looked at me bemused and concerned at the same time. "Practice just came to an end."

When I tore my gaze away from him I realized he was right. How could I not notice?

"We all are going over to Jack's to hang out. You are invited."

I gave him a smile. "Thanks, but I'd rather not."

"You sure?"

I nodded.

He sighed before jumping up and joining the others in the locker room. I was aware that my constantly declining their offers to spend time with them made me look like a boring party pooper, but I didn't have the strength to really care at the moment.

I was silent on the ride home, just like I'd been for the majority of the last few days. He noticed. "Liz?"

I hummed.

"You sure you don't want to come with us?"

I tore my gaze away from the scenery outside and gave a small nod. "You are pretty quiet lately. Not that you talk that much anyway, but you seem like something's bothering you." He gave me a swift glance.

I shook my head.

He gave me one last lingering look, his expression hinting that he wanted to say something, but eventually let the topic go. His next words caused my heart to skip a beat. "How's the thing with Sam going? Are you official?"

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