Chapter 37: Dinner with the fam

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When someone you love becomes a memory that memory becomes a treasure.~Unknown


I had a bad day.

Bad days suck.

But this bad day like all my bad days felt like hell.

I'd pushed myself through the last days to go to the appoinments scheduled with the team members, but I felt so drained off my energy today that all I could do was trying not to fall asleep during school hours. When practice rolled around I excused myself and told the coach that I wasn't feeling well. Finally home, the first thing I did was letting my body fall face first into the mattress of my bed. That's how I spent most of my time off. I didn't even care much about homework or school in general anymore. The only thing I could do was trying to get up every morning.

On top of all that, I'd been having nightmares every other night when I was actually able to fall asleep after hours of self depricating thoughts and my mind let me get some rest. Honestly, the only thing that I wanted to do was sleep. But I was so mentally drained that my body wouldn't allow it for some reason.

I hadn't called or texted Sam ever since I'd been to our first date and honestly it was for the better. It was probably best not to get myself involved with anyone. And it wasn't like he tried to get in touch with me so whatever. I couldn't bring myself to care at the moment.

Sophie and Court had asked me to hang out with them again on multiple different occasions, but I always declined. Ryan and the boys asked too, but I refused to go out when all I wanted to do was lie in my bed and rest my exhausted mind.

After what felt like only minutes, but were probably hours my phone buzzed. It was Ryan. Tired, I sighed and with every bit of strength I could muster answered. "Hello?" I drawled. Even my voice sounded exhausted.

"Hey," he said softly. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah sure, I'm just tired," I answered while lying on my side with my eyes closed, my hand barely pressing the phone to my ear, I held it in such a loose grip, every single limb in my body overcome with fatigue.

"Okay, well, I was thinking-" The grip on my cell was too loose causing it to slip out of my hold and onto the bed after smacking me in the face.

Cursing, I reached out and put it on speaker phone, placing it next to my head. "Sorry, what were you saying?"

"Bee, are you sure everything is okay?" He sounded worried. I didn't have enough strength in me to keep up the facade. Not today.


"Okay..." he trailed off. "So, I was just saying that we should work on our literature project."

I hummed in response, eyes closed. Distinctly, hearing his words.

"I can come over or I could pick you up if you want."

My eyes fluttered open. "Wait, what?" Then it made sense. "You want to work on it today?"

"Well, yeah, but if you don't feel well we could do it another time."

I only hummed, thinking. We didn't even read through the book yet and should actually be already working on those tasks Mr. Sullivan had given us. I sighed. On the other hand though, I wasn't so sure I could even get up. But then again we had to get it done soon and as much as I didn't care for my education at the moment I couldn't let Ryan down.

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