Chapter 3.

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"Sorry I should've told you someone else would be here before we arrived, but he doesn't really leave my guest bedroom when he's here so he won't bother us at all," Drew says with a worried tone in his voice.

"Oh no, I was just confused for a second that's all."

"Right well can I get you anything to drink, a beer?"

"Go for it," I say and take a seat on the black leather sofa. Drew comes back in and hands me an icy cold beer, and takes the seat next to me. We both crack open our cans, slight smoke seeping from the can as a result of the coldness from the drink colliding with the warm air, and take a sip.

"So," Drew says and then clicks his tongue against the roof of his mouth.

"So," I repeat his actions. He laughs and gets his phone out of his pocket, and calls someone.

"Hey," he says down the line, "mhm, I'm at home, some new girl called Lana is here. Yup, okay. Bye."

'Some new girl' so this is how everyone sees me? Okay then, I'll have to live with that.

"Lana my friend Dan wants you to come to the party tonight," he says as I gulp down a few large sips of beer.

"Uhm okay sure, where?"

"The frat house he lives at. I can pick you up later if you want?"

"Sure, hey, do you think we could be getting back to campus? My next lesson starts soon but I want to be early, if that's okay?" I ask him.

"Mhm," he mutters, standing up and grabbing his keys before leading me out of the door.

Our drive back to campus is silent and he doesn't say anything as we walk our separate ways to our different classes. The rest of the day is full of teachers making us play dumb games to introduce ourselves and telling classes about what we have done during the break. I walk out of my last class with my earphones in my ears and trying to look for Drew's car. I spot it and walk over to it. He's in the drivers seat and there's a girl in the passenger seat. She has ginger hair but it's obvious her hair colour was intentional. Her eyebrows are harshly pencilled in, not complimenting her face shape. Drew gives me a little smile and signals for me to get in the back and I do so.

"Hey Lana, this is my friend Kate," Drew says as he turns the key in the ignition and backing up out of the parking spot.

"Hello Lana," she says and smiles at me, a smiley piercing becoming visible as she does so.

"Hello Kate," I say and smile back.

"Um, Lana do you wanna go get changed?" Drew asks me as we pull off of campus.

"I guess so," I say and look down at my blue t shirt and black skinnies. The drive back to our block of flats is mostly filled with a few songs and a couple of questions back and forth between me and Kate.

"Wait you live here too?" Kate says as we pull up outside the flats.

"Yeah. You guys can come up to my flat too if you'd like," I say as we walk through the doors and into the lift.

"Sure," Kate says and smiles an apologetic smile at Drew. Drew rolls his eyes and leans against the mirror at the back of the lift. The doors open with a ding and we all enter my apartment.

"Your house is so clean, what the fuck?" Drew says as he walks through into the living room.

"I haven't been here long, remember? I'm going to get changed, help yourselves to a beer, they're in the fridge," I say, signalling towards the kitchen. I turn on my heel and head into the bedroom and kick my shoes off.

Despondent | (Completed but editing)Where stories live. Discover now