Chapter 33.

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It's been 12 hours without Jason. He left at ten last night and it's now ten in the morning. I have no motivation to even leave the bed. I don't care how complicated this gets, I still want you, his words repeat in my head. I still want him too. And I know that no matter what, no matter how much he may let me down, I'll always fucking want him too. He means more to me than he will ever comprehend.

Feelings like the ones I have towards Jason I have never felt before, not even close. Everything is different and new with him, and in the future we may break up and part our separate ways but I will always remember the way he has lit a fire inside me that cannot be put out. My phone buzzes next to me and knocks me out of my thoughts. I pick it up and unlock it.

Jason❤️: happy birthday. I'm on my way back. X

Me: okay x

It completely went over my head that it was my birthday today. I hadn't received any texts from any old friends or family yet. Something deep inside me wants to receive a text message from my parents, so I am notified they may still care about me in the slightest.


Jason finally walks back through the door, and I hear him rustle around a little before entering the bedroom where I am. He has a small brown paper bag in one of his hand, and a bouquet of white roses in the other. I smile up at him before he takes a seat next to me.

"I got you bagels," he says and places the bag next to me, "and flowers."

"Thank you," I smile and take the large bouquet out of his hand. I bring them to my face and take a big inhale through my nose, taking in the scent. I place them on my table next to me.

"I really wish you'd let me do something big for you today," he says whilst I take a few bites out of the bagel he got me.

"I know but," I begin to say but I am cut off by his finger over my lips.

"Sh," he silences me.

"Move," I whine, swatting his hand away from my mouth, allowing me to eat.

"At least come to the frat house tonight?" He smiles.

"Fine, only if Harper can come."

"Sure," he says and places a hand on my knee.


"Ready?" I smile at Harper in the backseat as we pull up.

"My first party, ah," she says and climbs out of the car at the same time as me.

"Drew will be here," I say, nudging her with my elbow. Her eyes light up when I tell her this but she doesn't say anything to react. I take Jason's hand as he leads us up the steps and into the large house. There's less people here than there usually is, which is a good thing. We walk into the front room and towards the usual circle. Jason pulls me to sit next to him on the floor, my legs hanging over his. Harper goes and gives Drew a hug, taking a seat next to him.

"Happy birthday Lana," Drew says from across the circle. I thank him and smile. My eyes take a quick scan of the circle before locking onto one person sitting all the way on the opposite side of me. Sophie. I look down my nose at her but she's too busy talking to some guy to notice. Lex, a girl who I'd met the first time I was here is sitting next to me, and she's clearly very drunk.

"Anyone wanna play truth or dare?" Lex suggest, and earns a few 'yeah's and nods from people around the circle. I still don't know everyone but everyone is still friendly, only the odd person would pay no attention.

"Okay then, I'll start," Lex says and turns to me, "Lana, truth or dare?"

"Truth," I say, staying on the safe side for now.

"Do you hate Sophie?" She says and shocks me. I picked truth, so I'm going to say exactly that.

"Yes, I do," I say and turn to face Sophie. She is staring at me, a smug look painted across her face.

"Oh, don't be jealous," she says, "your boyfriend just doesn't like whores."

"Takes a whore to know a whore, huh?" I retaliate and smirk back. She's taken aback by my argument and sits up straight and adjusts her clearly padded boobs. She's wearing scraps of clothing that barely covers up her bra, and the smallest bit of clothing to cover up her vagina, along with fishnets.

"I'm not a whore, I'm just liked by all the guys ever," she says. She is so full of herself, but when it comes down to it, I have a somewhat stable relationship to show for myself.

"And putting out to all of them doesn't make you a hoe?" I remark.

"I'm just fun-loving," she says and flips her hair over her shoulder.

"I mean, you'd be considered that if you just enjoyed sex whilst in a relationship, but is there a boy in this room she hasn't fucked, anyone?" I ask the group and most of the boys put their heads down and their heads slightly, telling me they have, including Jason, "my point is proven."

"Come on then!" She says, beginning to stand up but failing and falling backwards, her legs spread open, giving everyone a clear view of her stained panties. Everyone breaks into laughter, Sophie goes red and quickly gets up, grabs her bag and storms off.


Oooo Lana!

I did some major editing to this book last night, especially on some of the first few chapters so if you want to go and read over them and tell me if you think they're any better I really would appreciate it x

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