Chapter 25.

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"That was so good, you're so talented!" Harper says as we walk out of the class.

"Thanks," I say, blushing and putting my head down.

"Did you write that yourself?" She asks.

"Yeah I did," I say and look back up at her.

"So you can write and act so well," she says. It's not acting, that performance was just me talking without faking anything at all.

"What are you doing now then?" I ask her.

"I have to go home and study, I have an English exam. How about you?"

"I'm gonna stay in tonight, Jason's probably going to the frat house," I tell her.

"I've never been to a frat party," she says as we get to my car.

"They're not all that trust me," I say and unlock my car doors.

"I'll text you later, have a good evening," she says, walking off.


"How was the performance?" Jason asks as I take a seat next to him and he wraps his arm around my shoulder.

"Better than I anticipated," I say, taking a sip from my can of Coke.

"No party tonight?" He says, resting his head on mine.

"I don't really feel like it," I tell him, switching the TV on and putting on Adventure Time. He giggles at me and kisses my cheek.

"Good because I would much rather spend the night in with my beautiful girlfriend than play some dumb games with a bunch of emos," he tells me and I kiss his lips quickly. He blushes and lifts his head up.

"I'll order some pizza. Plain Pepporoni for you," he says, opening some food app on his phone. He clicks ham and pineapple for himself.

"Pineapple does not belong on pizza," I say, laying down and resting my head on his lap.

"We're so not having that argument," he says and I giggle, turning to face his stomach. I lift his shirt up and kiss under his belly button.

"Don't," he says through gripped teeth.

"I found one of your turn on spots, ha," I giggle, kissing the same spot again and he groans slightly.

"You either stop or suck my dick," he says sternly,looking down at me.

"I'm going to have to stop then and we'll save the second option for later," I say and wink up at him.

"Fine by me," he says and plays with my hair. I begin to get sleepy and fall asleep in his lap.

Jason's POV.

"Lana, wake up princess," I say, shaking her slightly. She looks so angelic laying there, I don't want to disturb her sleep but I know she wants pizza, "pizzas here."

She jolts up and rubs her eyes, leaving some small black marks underneath her eyes. She places the box on her lap and opens it.

"Thank you love," she says, grabbing a slice of pizza and stuffing her mouth.

We watch a few episodes of Rick and Morty, and we both eat our whole pizzas.

Lana's POV.

"Get your shoes on," Jason says when I come out of the kitchen. 

"Huh, why?" I ask, confused.

"We're going out," he says, tying his shoe lace.

"Not to a party?"

"No, of course not, just hurry up before it gets dark."

I go into the hall and grab my black timberlands, pulling them on and tying them up. I head out of the door and Jason follows, car keys in his hand.


We listen to Nine inch Nails the entire drive, both of us singing along. Jason can sing really well, he's got such a good voice. He sounds like Matthew Sanders from Avenged Sevenfold, and it is really attractive.

Jason parks on the side of the street, turning the car off. "Where are we?" I ask.

"Hudson river, but first we're getting ice cream," he says, both of us getting out. There's an ice cream van parked, with a few children around it, all waiting to get ice cream. We walk up towards the van and the kids seem slightly weirded out. We queue behind them and wait patiently. All of the kids get what they want and stand to one side. Jason gets a mint ice cream cone and I get a plain one with chocolate sauce and a flake. The kids watch us as we walk away and they follow us for a few feet.

"Are you a rockstar?" One of them asks and both me and Jason turn around to look at them.

Jason giggles, "no."

"You look like one, with those drawings," the little girl says and points to his inked arms. The group of kids run off and me and Jason continue to walk down the pavement. He intertwines his fingers with mine and we walk, eating our ice creams and looking out at the river. We take a seat on a bench so we can no longer see the river, instead we're looking at New York City, in all its glory. Yellow taxis drive by, along with an assortment of different car brands. What I see in front of my eyes now looks just like all the stock photos of New York City found on the internet, and its such a sight. I finish my ice cream and Jason pulls my sleeve slightly.

"Stand up on the bench," he says and we both do so. He then gets himself up on the wall behind the bench and sits down so his feet are dangling off the edge, the river only a metre or so beneath his feet, I copy him so my feet are also dangling off the edge. He puts his arm
around my shoulder and pulls me closer to him, and I lay my head on his chest.

The sun begins to set, and this whole scenario reminds me of when I was younger, and my dad would take me to the river Thames once in a while. 'Isn't the sky so beautiful, Lana?' He'd say as the sun set and I'd agree and rest my small head on his broad shoulder. These memories make my eyes tear up slightly, missing all those moments with my dad before he ran off.

I nuzzle my head into Jason's neck, watching the sun fall behind the horizon through teary eyes. The sky is painted shades of pink and red, overtime fading into shades of orange and yellow. I look up at Jason, his eyes locked to the horizon, his face aglow with the last of the sun before the night takes over. His mouth twitches, concealing a smile. He looks so peaceful, he looks so happy.


6k!!! Omg😌 thank you all so much! Please keep up the votes and comments, they make me so happy!!

Lots of love x

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