Chapter 35.

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"I really don't know, can you please come and get me?" I cry, wiping my nose with my sleeved arm.

"I'm on way, Drew is driving," Harper says, a worried tone to her voice.

"Thank you," I sniff.

"That's okay, Drew says do you know roughly where you are?"

"Uhm, well we left the house and followed the road past campus, I'm about halfway down the huge road that comes off of that street," I say, trying to calm myself down and focus only on my surroundings.

"Drew says you aren't far, we're pulling onto that road now so we should see you soon," she says in a calming tone.

"Okay, please hurry," I practically beg, shivering.

"We can see you," she says, and the headlights of Drew's Ford Fiesta can be seen a few yards away from me. They drive as close as they can to me before pulling up on the curb and unlocking the doors. I open the back door and climb inside, pulling it shut with force behind me. The contact between my bare legs and the cold leather seats sends one last shiver through my body, raising goose bumps. Drew notices and switches the heating on. My hand reaches and pulls the seatbelt down and across my body, fastening it. I lean my head back against the seat and it finally stops spinning.

"Hey," I say as Drew turns the key in the ignition and begins to drive slowly.

"Hey," they both reply in sync.

"So what the fuck happened, Lana?" Drew asks, taking a second to look at me in the rear view mirror.

"Well we was driving back and remembered how he'd lied to me the day before about him sleeping with Sophie and I got kinda stroppy. I fucking hate being lied too so when he asked me what was wrong I told him what it was, and he told me I was accusing him of stuff and stuff like that. Next thing I knew he left me on the side of the road, shivering and all," I tell the new couple, surprise plastering both of their faces.

"That's so out of order, I'm sorry Lana," Harper says.

"It's okay, I'm just sort of bummed," I say and look down at my hands that are placed in my lap.

"That's really not fair on you, how dare he," Drew says, finally turning onto a familiar road.

"I guess so," I say, exhausted.

"Want me to stay over tonight?" Harper asks, looking back at me from the passengers seat.

"Sure, how about you Drew?" I ask.

"I'm going to head back to the house, after I've dropped you ladies off," he says.


"I still can't believe he did that," Harper says before taking a sip out of her coffee.

"I guess, I mean, I did sort of piss him off so I guess I deserved it," I say, looking at her.

"No, don't you ever say that," she says, placing her small hand on my thin arm, "he's done you so wrong and you always find it in your heart to forgive him.

"I love him so much, Harper, I love him so fucking much," I say, on the edge of tears.

"I know you do, we all know you do."

"Never did I ever think I could have feelings like this for someone, but he's so perfect, I don't get what I have done to deserve him."

"I don't get what you have done to deserve the way he treats you."

"What do you mean?" I question.

"I mean, one day he is completely in love with you and acts like he is completely clouded by lust, and other days it's as if he's a completely different person, treating you no better than he treats anyone else, you know?"

"I feel like he's a different person sometimes, he can switch so easily," I admit.

"Lana, just know I'm going to be here whenever you need anyone to talk to, and I will support any decisions you make to do with your relationship with Jason, stupid or not," she says and we both giggle.

"So, you and Drew then?" I change the subject.

"He asked me to be his girlfriend officially," she squeals and I smile awkwardly.

"That was quick," I say.

"Shhh, don't make me feel bad about it," she says.

"Sorry, sorry, I'm happy for you," I say and she gets out her phone. We sit in silence for a few minutes before she gasps and her breathing quickens.

"What is it?" I ask, raising an eyebrow at her as we make eye contact.

"Um, Lana, look what Jason just posted on his Facebook," she says, her voice shaky, handing me her phone. I stare down and my eyes tear up at the sight on the small device.

Jason Crawe: bed time with my baby girl ❤️

Jason Crawe: bed time with my baby girl ❤️

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He is laying in bed with that girl. And, he took a picture and posted it. Anger swirled inside of me like a red tide, raising to choke me. I curl my upper lip to stop me from both screaming and crying. I just stare. Minutes turn into hours and all I have been doing is staring. Staring down at the one person I thought ever loved me sleeping in the same bed with a girl who is so much better than me. Staring down at the man I've fantasised about having a future with. Staring down at the man I love with another girl. My mouth begins to form into the words my mind are shouting. "I was never good enough."

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