Chapter 16.

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Jason's POV.

I pull up outside the Principal's office and switch the radio off. I sit with my head down for a few minutes. My mind is clouded with thoughts of mine and Lana's kiss only ten minutes or so ago. The way she looked into my eyes made me feel like we was communicating through our eye contact. I could see in her eyes she wanted to kiss me, and I knew in my mind I wanted to kiss her. And it happened. It shouldn't have happened. Something in my mind was trying to hold me back but it was my heart that went for it. My heart leaped at the fact she kissed me back with so much passion. I knew by the way her lips moved that for her, that moment would mean so much to her. I knew from the way her hand moved against my jawline the memory of that moment would one day be painful for her. And I knew, from the way she stared into my eyes, I knew that the last thing that would cross her mind would be the thought of my lips on another girl.

A tear falls onto my skinny jeans and I don't even realise that I'm crying. But I know why I am. I look into the rear view mirror and notice how bloodshot my eyes are. I collect myself and open the car door, closing it and locking the car behind me. As my head lifts up, averting my attention from the ground to whatever may be in front of me, I see Drew and his arm around Zoe. They are both laughing and walking along, and they both look happier than ever. They kiss each other quickly whilst walking, and then they both see me. I realise how much of a stalker I look just standing there, looking at my best friend and the girl, I guess I have to call her my ex. They begin to walk towards me and I look down, dragging my feet across the gravel awkwardly as I wait for them to get closer to me. They do and they both wave.

"Hey Jason, how've you been?" Zoe smiles at me.

"Good I guess, how about you?" I reply and go along with her obvious plan to keep things civil between us.

"Yeah I'm good, really good," she says and lays her head on Drew's shoulder.

"How about you man? How are you?" I ask Drew as he seems really awkward.

"Yeah yeah, good." He says and looks at the ground awkwardly.

"What's up?" I ask, leaning back against my car.

"I know about you and Sophie yesterday," he admits and I feel my heart begin to race.

"What's it to you?" I say, standing up and squaring my shoulders, coming off more rude than I had intended.

"It doesn't mean anything to me. I don't care for Lana, or Sophie. We all know how much of a skank Sophie is, even when she was attached to you. But you can't do that to Lana, Drew. She loves you."

"How can you tell?"

"Her eyes man. Eyes never lie," he says and I get in my car and reverse out of the parking lot, and then drive off campus completely. I don't even remember why I was there in the first place. 'Her eyes man. Eyes never lie,' Drew's words repeat in my head, over and over, a constant echo. I can't help but picture her eyes. Those liquid brown eyes that always stare back at me with so much emotion. Those brown eyes that have me feeling like I'm falling into a pool of hot cocoa. Those brown eyes that I'd find so boring if I wasn't so attracted to her and intrigued by those eyes.

Lana's POV.

"Thanks for that doc, I will see you on Friday," I say as I walk out of the small, dimly lit room and down the corridor. Psychiatrists' rooms always smelled so strong, it was like you can smell their pity. Their pity that is never appreciated because most of the people who walk through those doors leading to the small rooms always feel like this is a chore. A mhorrible chore they must endure because they are cursed with a mental illness.

I exit the mansion like building and spot Jason's black Vauxhall Corsa, him standing in front of it with a bouquet of flowers in his hands. We both exchange a smile as I walk down the stairs and towards him. He holds his arms out of me and I throw myself into them, sending him backwards slightly. He wraps his arms round me, resting his chin on my head. I nuzzle my head into his chest and I feel so safe. I feel so so safe. I pull away and he smiles at me handing me the bouquet of flowers. I take them and smell them, inhaling the fresh scent.

"What are these for?" I ask him as he unlocks the car and opens my door for me.

"For getting through all of this," he says, us both climbing in the car at the same time, "I'm really proud of you."

"Thank you," my heart jumps at the kind gesture. No ones ever done something like this for me before. It's such a small deed, but to me it meant a lot. It gave me the small hope that he may feel as strongly about me as I do him.

"I'm taking you shopping," he tells me as he pulls out of his parallel park on the side of the road.

"Are you now?" I ask and a smile plays on my cheeks.

"Yes I am, and I'm paying for everything so don't mention anything," he says and rests a hand on my thigh.

"I don't want you to pay for everything! If you're going to pay for everything you better take me to the dollar store!" I say and he chuckles.

"Don't be silly, my dad has more money than he knows what to do with. And then he gives it to me, and I haven't got a clue. So I'm going to spend it on you because you deserve it. You can choose clothes, makeup, shoes or whatever girly shit you want. You can also help me get a new wardrobe please," he says and sounds like a small child. I giggle and put my head down, my black hair falling and covering my face.

"You're blushing, aww," Jason coos and grips my thigh, "we're going to the fair too, then dinner maybe."

My eyes light up at the fact he's doing all of this for me. I stare at him and how is jaw twitches when he clenches his teeth, how his eyes squint as the sun comes through the windscreen, and how he tuts and rolls his eyes every time we hit a red light. He's so amazing, and he makes me feel so wanted. So cared for. He makes me feel worth something.


We're nearly at 3k!!!! That's mental I love you guys so much! Have an amazing day and I'll see you later with another update because I seriously can't resist writing another chapter x

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