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There we go! Completed as of November 4th 2016, 1:40 a.m.

I have had so much fun writing Despondent. I have met great people and had some amazing experiences. I'm sad that it's over but in a way I'm happy too!
I never knew starting this out that at this current moment I'd have over 15k reads, it's insane. I'm just a small little bean who likes writing.
Of course, I know this isn't the best it could be. I'll be going away and improving my writing skills hopefully and at some point I will come back and edit this over.
Thank you to all of the amazing people who have read this book, whether you only started reading today or a week ago, you're amazing and I appreciate the support, reads and votes you've all given.
A special thanks to courtneymcintosh12 for the amazing trailer you made for the book, and to Itsjennab for the beautiful cover that I have received many compliments on.

I am going to be writing new stories all the time, and I will be active all the time. No comments or votes will go unnoticed, I will still always be here. If you have any suggestions then just message me or comment them on whatever chapter, they're still greatly appreciated.

Go and check out the new book I'm writing 'If I Believe You' !
Thank you all, and goodbye. -desolateddreams 💖

Despondent | (Completed but editing)Where stories live. Discover now