Chapter 18.

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We step into our passenger cart and take a seat on opposite sides of each other. The person who I'm guessing owns the ride shuts the door behind us and starts the ride, sending us a few feet off the ground to let the next person onto the ride. I set my large teddy bear in the small space behind my seat, and he fits in snuggly. Our cart wobbles slightly and we're now about 3 meters off the ground and just above the the stalls below us. It's sunset now and the fair looks beautiful. The clouds were lit up by the fair lights turning them pink, yellow and blue. They looked unearthly. My eyes couldn't comprehend the scene below me, it looked so beautiful in the evening. Smells of burning sugar and chips fill the atmosphere, and the childish music playing creates the most beautiful scene. I can hear snatches of people screaming as they go round and round on the waltzer. The families below me all look so happy, watching their kids go down the helter-scelter, candy floss and their kids' winnings in hand. Shining bright and vibrant, the lights hung across the tops of rides bring the whole scene together.

"Its beautiful isn't it?" I say to Jason as we're a quarter of the way through our ride on the huge wheel.

"It's amazing," Jason says, looking out over the fairground. Being on this Ferris wheel reminded me of being back in London, on the London Eye. No where near as high but the nostalgia was amazing. The sight of London from a birds eye view at night is breathtaking. The way the River Thames lights up from the colourful, vivid night lights on the big wheel was mesmerising. Every building in sight lights up the city that never sleeps. I guess that's where it gets it's name from.

"Have you ever been to London?" I ask Jason and we both turn to face each other.

"No, but I'd love to go," he replies and gives me a small smile.

"If you think this is beautiful, you should see London from the London Eye. It's absolutely stunning."

"As good as the pictures?"

"Better," I tell him and his eyes light up at the thought.

"Come here," Jason says and pats the space on the bench next to him. I get up and go to walk next to him, causing our cart to shake. Anyone from below would think something else was happening up here, not just me walking around. I stumble and fall forwards slightly, Jason catching me in his arms.

"You good?" He asks me with a small giggle.

"I think so," I say and recover, sitting next to him. He wraps his arm around my shoulder and pulls me closer to him. I rest my head on his shoulder and we both stare out of the window and take in the beautiful view for a few minutes. It's not until we are at the peak of the ride that he decides to say anything.

"Lana?" He says.

"Mhm?" I say, repositioning my head on his shoulder slightly.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course," I reply and I don't let my mind fill with possibilities of what he could ask this time. I just let the moment happen.

"You know I really like you. I may not show it sometimes because honestly I don't know how to, but I do. Every time I'm with you there is no where else I would rather be. I'd rather be arguing with you than having a great time with someone else. You have become everything I've thought about since that night at the party and there's no way I could get you out of my thoughts. You make me so happy, and I'd love to be the one to make you happy. Will you be my girlfriend?" He says and I am in shock. The guy I like just asked me out. My cheeks flush red and I feel my eyes widen. I look at him in the eye for a few seconds before answering.

"Of course I will," I say and we both smile. I've never seen him smile like that. It's a genuine smile. A smile more beautiful than the sunset behind him. It holds as much emotion as his eyes. The smiles I'd seen play on his cheeks before. Before you could see his sadness in that smile; he seemed so empty and cold. It was almost as if all light had been taken and injected into him, into that smile. That smile lit up the dimming sky, his teeth the stars. That smile could be seen for miles. Miles and miles. And that smile was caused because of me. I lit up his smile.

His smile drops but not because of anything bad, but because he is leaning in to kiss me. I lean in too and he places his open lips on mine. He shuts them and I move mine against his. Something is lit inside me but it's not that spark. It's a firework this time. A firework that sends unfamiliar tingles down my body. The kiss is short but lustful. We pull away and I lay my head on his chest and he plays with my hair, one of my favourite feelings. We stay this way until the end of the ride. As we near the ground I get up and grab my large bear and we climb out once the owner opens our door for us. Jason follows behind me and takes my hand.

"I'm so glad that I got to spend all these moments with you," I admit to him when we're back in the car. I had put my teddy in the back and put a seatbelt on him. I also made the teddy hold the bouquet of flowers from earlier while Jason laughed.

"Me too, lovely," he says.

"Come back to mine?" I ask.

"Of course," he replies and smiles.


quickly putting this out before I head out for the day. I don't think I'm going to be double updating today bc I'm busy. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope you all have great days. Love you all x

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