Chapter 21.

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Jason's POV.

Our lips move together lazily, her hands on either side of my head, bottle of cheap vodka still in her grasp. She broke the kiss off and kissed down my neck. She was making her way to the spot I loved to be kissed on. Her tongue circles that spot for a few seconds and my hands push on her chest. I try to push her away but with inhumane strength she pushes back and forces more kisses on my neck. She needs to stop. I'm happy with Lana and Sophie won't except it. She never would.

My hands keep trying to push her away but I can't stop the moans when she kisses the right spot on my neck. She moans against my neck, thinking I'm trying to provide her pleasure and I'm not. I'm trying to get her off me. She spills some vodka on my t-shirt as she loses her balance slightly. I hear a door open but I can't tell what direction it's coming from and I assume it's not Lana so I don't bother to look. My eyes are glued shut and the physical pleasure Sophie is providing me takes over, her hips grinding against mine. I feel dirty. I feel dirty standing here, against the wall in a block of apartments. Next to the stairs, in my girlfriends block, with another girl hungrily biting and nipping at my neck.

We hear a door open and both our heads swing round to see Drew standing there, eyes gaping and mouth wide open.

"Am I i interrupting something?" He says as Sophie and I look up at him. I finally push her away from me and wipe her saliva from my neck and lips.

"What the fuck are you playing at?" I scream at her.

"I, I, I want you back Jason," she says, stumbling backwards, the glass bottle falling from her hands onto the floor and shattering.

"We were never together," I remind her.

"We wasss," she slurs.

"No, Sophie we wasn't. And you won't except the fact I never wanted you. It's harsh to hear it but you have to accept the fact that throughout life you meet people you love, or want, and they may never love or want you back."

"Whatever," she says, and stumbles into the elevator. She presses a button and the door closes behind her.

"What are you playing at?" Drew asks, shoving me slightly.

"She was all over me dude," I say, trying to think of the right thing to say.

"I was just having a conversation with your girlfriend, she was telling me how much she fell for you. She talks about you as if you're the one who puts stars in the sky. She fucking loves you man, why can't you see that," he screams.

"I don't know," I stutter.

"If this is how you're going to treat her, you don't deserve her. You don't deserve to have her in your life. You're still fucking around with Sophie while you two are officially together and when you and Lana were talking, while you were sleeping in the same bed as her, while you was kissing her and what not you was with Sophie. Does she know that?"

"No," I look down.

"Sort yourself out," he says and turns away, walking down the steps to his apartment.

Lana's POV.

Jason walks through the open front door and into the sitting room, taking a seat next to me.

"What did she want?" I ask him as he puts his arm round my shoulder.

"She was just looking for an argument, baby," he reassures me.

"Why did she call you baby?" I ask him.

"I don't know, she was drunk and I guess she remembered I don't want her anymore," he tells me. I lean onto his shoulder and climb on top of him so I'm straddling his waist. I wrap my arms round his back and lay my head on his shoulder. The strong scent of vodka overwhelms me and I quickly jerk away and stare at him and he gives me a puzzled look. Sophie had a bottle of vodka in her hand, she must have been near him. Too close for me to be comfortable.

"What the fuck happened down there?" I shout.

"Woah woah, calm down love," he says and tries to pull me to sit down again but I free my hand from is grasp.

"No, you reek of vodka and Sophie was the only one with vodka. Did you go near her Jason? Did you touch her?" I exclaim.

"She tried to kiss me," he says and I can hear the lying in his voice.

"The truth."

"She kissed me, I didn't kiss her back, I kept trying to push her away but she had some super human strength or some shit," he says and pushes his fringe back off his face.

"That's bullshit," I say, my breaths quick and short between. 

"I'm sorry Lana it's the truth."

"Do you understand how many times I've been lied too? I know when someone's lying to me. Besides, I know you want her. It was all a lie, wasn't it," I say, a tear rolling down my cheek.

"No Lana," he says.

"I shouldn't have been so stupid."

"Will you just listen?" He shouts and startles me.

"Don't shout at me."

"You won't listen otherwise," he says, running his fingers through his long, dirty blonde hair.

"I don't need to listen. I was stupid. I trusted someone."

"Nothing fucking happened, okay?! How do I know you wasn't up here banging Drew?"

I'm taken aback by his comment, "don't make this all about you Jason. Get out."

"What?" He looks puzzled.

"You heard me. Go home. I need to clear my head."

"Do not fucking do anything stupid Lana, I'm begging you," he says, getting up and putting his hoodie on.

"I won't. I can't. I can't even feel anymore. Especially because of those pills. Please go, I will text you."

"Goodbye, Lana," he says and goes to walk off.

"Goodbye? Don't say that." I say, tears being held back by a barrier those pills built.

"What do you want me to say? Or would you rather me just walk out?" He asks, puzzled.

"Saying goodbye makes it sound like you're walking out of that door forever. I'm angry but I don't want you gone forever. Just say bye if you're not leaving for good," I say, my arms crossed over my chest.

"Bye, Lana," he says and walks out of the apartment, the door closes loudly behind him, notifying me that he's gone.


I included a picture of what I imagine Lana and Jason to look like. Of course you can imagine them however you want but that's just how I imagine them if you were wondering (:

We're so close to 5k! Thank you so much that's mad! Thanks for all the votes and comments too!

Please share this book with people you think will enjoy it, I do put a lot of effort into this and I'd love people to read and enjoy this as much as I enjoy writing it!

Lots of love x

Despondent | (Completed but editing)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن