Chapter 8.

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"Did you have a nice time?" Jason asks me as we walk out of the diner and to his car.

"I did, thank you so much for tonight," I say as he opens the car door for me.

"Don't mention it," he says and climbs in the car, starting up the engine.

"But seriously, Jason, thank you so much. I haven't felt this way before. I haven't been happy like this in a long time."

"I'm glad I'm the one to help you, Lana. I love seeing you smile. And I wish I could see that smile more often. It looks good on you," he says with a smile.

"God, you are cheesy. But thank you. I really appreciate it," I say and he reaches a hand over and rests it on top of my one placed on my thigh.

"Do you want to go to the party? It's only 8, we've got the whole night to kill," Jason asks.

"Sure, why not," I reply and scroll through my Facebook news feed.

"Can you do me a favour?"

"Sure what?"

"Can you get my phone out of my pocket and text Drew and tell him we're coming please?" He asks me. I take his phone out and press the home button, illuminating the screen.

"You have a text, Jason," I say when I see the text on the screen.

"From who, what does it say?" He asks.

"It's from someone called Sophie, it says 'whatever Jason man'," I read out to him.

"Fucking hell, that psychotic bitch. I dropped her home once when she was really drunk and she tried to make out with me in an alley way, and just because I said no but then proceeded to hug her meant I was in love with her. Just text Drew and ignore her text."

I proceed to text Drew and after a few minutes of silence we pull up outside of the house. The sound of music can be heard from a mile away, I wonder how many complaints they must get. Jason climbs out of the car and for about the sixth time today, he once again opens my door for me and I climb out, shutting it with a little force behind me.

"Lana, um, would you mind if I held your hand?" I'm taken aback by how nervous he is asking this. I feel a spark ignite deep inside my stomach and I blush.

"Of course," I say and intertwine my hand with his. We were nothing official but this feeling or being wanted was enough to make this happiness last forever, and I could feel myself starting to like Jason more and more every minute.

"Come on then, babe," Jason says and leads me up the steps to the big house. The way he called me babe makes me blush and it doesn't fade by the time we get into the house and seated in the same group as last time.

"Hey Drew," I smile at him when I take a seat in between him and Jason.

"Alright?" He asks.

"Yeah I'm good, you?"

"Fucked out of my face on drugs," he replies calmly.

"Oh, right," I say.

"Do you want some? I'm being serious."

"No thank you," I say and turn to Jason, "Jason where can I get a drink?"

"Uhm, what do you want? I'd rather I went and got it for you I don't want you roaming around here," he replies.

"Whiskey would be good," I smile and he nods and heads out of the room.

"So, Lana, what's happening between you and Jason?" The girl who was really drunk at the last party, Cara, asks me.

"Nothing, why?" I ask in return.

"Because you two are always together and you were holding hands when you came in," she says and I blush and put my head down, "you like Jason! Look guys she's blushing."

I suddenly feel very embarrassed and I feel the need to run off into the night and sit under a tree and cry, like I'd always done in the past. It was an instant regressor for me. It took me back to times when I was young and I'd walk my dog through the park in the cool evening times, and it would take me back to when everything was okay. Before everything got bad.

Jason returns with four cups in his hand and sits down next to me, placing two in front of me, "I got you straight whiskey and some whiskey and Coke, I didn't know what one you meant when you said whiskey so I just got you both," he says with a smile. I smile at him and thank him before turning my attention to the group. I take a sip from the Coke and whiskey mix and chime in on the conversation.

"I think we should play truth or dare guys," a girl with shiny black hair like mine says, drunk, on the other side of the circle. Some smiles and sighs are earned around the circle but we all comply and Lex starts.

"Truth or dare?" She asks Drew.

"Truth," he replies.

"Have you ever done drugs?" She asks him and he bursts out laughing.

"No, of course not," he says jokingly and turns to face me, "truth or dare?"

"Dare," I say.

"Make out with Jason right here," he replies and I turn to face Jason. I was up for doing this but I wasn't going to do it forcefully.

"Are you okay with that?" I ask Jason. He nods and we both lean forward. His lips crash against mine and I can taste the hint of whisky on them. He reaches his right hand behind my head to pull me closer to him as our lips move in sync. I feel the same sparks I did on the night where I first met him, they never left, they only come back harder and brighter each time he shows me affection.

His tongue runs across my bottom lip and I open my mouth slightly to allow it entrance. Our tongues fight for dominance and we're interrupted by a lot of gagging sounds. We both stop and look back at the circle. If I'm completely honest, I completely forgot that I was in a group of people. I look across at the other side of the circle and see that one girl has gone bright red and is picking her bag up. She storms off in a huff as I down some straight whiskey. The alcohol still hasn't taken effect on me which is surprising because I don't drink very often and it usually hits me quickly.

I turn to Jason, "what's her problem?"

"That's the Sophie girl I told you about," he replies, "I'll explain more later, I don't want to draw attention to it right now."

"Okay well truth or dare?" I ask him.

"Dare," he replies.

"Take me home because I'm really drunk all of a sudden," I giggle, all of the alcohol I've drunk taking effect on me all at the same time.

"Okay princess," he says and blushes, "I'm so sorry, that sort of just slipped out."

"It's fine, it was cute," I say blushing and surprise both me and him by laying a small kiss on his nose before saying goodbye to the group and he takes my hand as we walk out of the room and down the stairs to his car.


Thank you guys so much omg (': over 300 views in just a day!! That means so much to me you don't understand ah.

I also need your guys' opinions, would you like me to right a small chapter every day (small is at least 1000 words) or a longer one every 2-3 days? At the moment I was going to stick with one chapter every day that's over 1000 words and maybe two chapters on some days if I'm not busy (: but I'd like to hear what you guys would like!! Let me know in the comments or just message me!

Thank you to everyone who's chosen to read this book and taken the time to vote I appreciate it so much (:

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