Chapter Five

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That's all I feel.

Okay that's a lie, basically I feel like each and every one of my teeth were plucked out with pliers one by one before ripping my face in half to finish it.

My eyes flutter open, blinking rapidly to get my vision clear, I blink once, twice before attempting to move my head only to whimper as a fresh wave of pain wafts through me. Wincing, I try to sit up properly only to not move an inch, a heavy weight laying on my chest, pinning me to the bed.

I panic, my hands coming up to move the person frantically. Kane groans his face nuzzling into my neck as he whispers my name. I pause, the panic fleeing as relief sets in as I melt into him, my hands no longer shoving at him but now sinking into his tousled black hair.

I continue to run my fingers through his hair, as he sleeps, the loud hard thud of his heart beating rapidly against my stomach as he lays right inbetween my legs, his hands clutching at me. I start to smile only to freeze as pain wafts over me. "Lina, baby" the pain instantly receeds as Kane's warm hand smooths over my cheek, his voice rough and deep from sleep.

I open my eyes once more, my gaze searching for his hungrily. His features clear and sharp appear in front of me, letting me take my fill of his beautiful face. I smile, a tear falling down my cheek as a sense of longing claims me. I open my mouth to speak only to whimper as more pain rushes through my jaw, right up to my head.

More tears leak out of my cheeks as fustrastion takes over. Kane places both hands against the bandaged lower part of my face, his eyes a deep onyx. "Hey, hey, hey. Lina, It's okay. That's just temporary. Doc said you need to keep it on for a couple more days, it's to hold your jaw in place so it heals properly" he whispers, before moving to peck my lips softly, the touch so soft, I couldn't even feel it over the bandages covering my lips.

I inhale slowly but deeply needing to calm myself before facing him once more. Opening them, I notice the big spacious room, painted a navy blue, a large plasma hanging against the wall right behind Kane's head. A long wooden chest is placed at the foot of the bed, a set with the two bedside tables placed on each side of the King sized bed Kane and I are now occupying. A black lazy boy chair is seated right next to the bed, the blinds closed at half mast, letting a little light in indicating the end of the day. I crinkle my brow before dropping my eyes down lower, finding a pad and a pen. "It's for you to use" he pauses before continuing "Until your jaw heals. Temporary" he says once again, as if emphasizing the word once more.

I nod already grabbing it with my hands. Holding it steady I write my first sentence. "What happened? All I remember is seeing Vince hit you and then I'm the one flying back with a broken jaw and where am I?" before placing it back in his lap as he reads it over. His face hardens immediately, jaw clenching tightly as he ignores my gaze. Lifting a hand slowly, I pull his face back towards me waiting silently for him to answer me. He sighs heavily, tiredly before connecting our eyes once again, his eyes softening slightly as he traces over my face. Cupping a hand over my own against his cheek he smiles once, "Your at my place, Doctor's a family friend he will be here soon to check on you, so don't worry about that."

He sighs heavily before pausing, his face conflicted as he decides on how to proceed. "Not while your in this condition. We'll go through that when your better" he skims his fingers gently down my jawline, "When your jaws healed and I get to hear you speak again" I continue to watch him, his face, his features noticing for the first time how bad he looks. His eyes deathly black, dim, no bright amber ringed iris, not even a hazel brown. Dark shadows circle under his eyes, his cheekbones almost sunken in. Scruff lining his cheeks and jawline to his lips, I nod once. I rake my eyes over his body and find him in the same shirt he was in since my place, what in the world is he doing to himself? "How long was I out?" I scribble down before showing him.

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