Chapter Forty- Six

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My hands slide against my thighs before knotting into the front of Kane's shirt I'm currently wearing. My nerves were at an all time high, heart beating erratically in time with Kane's loud footsteps. The short trip to the pack house infirmary did nothing to calm my nerves.

I pause outside my brothers room, needing a second to breathe and calm myself. Kane had already given me a heads up but nonetheless I wanted, needed to see for myself that he was breathing, that he was here with me, with us.

A big warm hand touches my back softly, large warm fingers caress me soothingly, the warmth letting me know that Kane was here for me. Gripping the steel door handle, I push the door open, the strong smell of disinfectant prominent in the air. The loud beeping of Vince's heart monitor fills my ears muting the loud ring that echoed beforehand.

My eyes find his bandaged body laid still in the bed made for him. I feel my brows pinch as moisture gathers in my eyes, I needed to be strong for him, for us. It was just really unusual for me to walk into a room and Vince isn't there smiling waiting to give me one of his big bear hugs or more recently scowling in me and Kane's direction.

Clearing my throat I give a small shake of my head, wiping the image with it as a tear slides down my cheek. Swiping a quick hand across my face, I straighten and let go of the door handle, pushing myself forward.

My other hand automatically loosened from the front of my shirt, skimming the length of his bed, sliding further up making contact against his warm hand laying against his side.

I catch hold of his surprisingly warm palm, entwining our fingers, I squeeze gently as more tears silently escape.

I know, he's alive. I do. But the emotions of seeing him like this, is all the same. I mean I was human first and he was my brother-

I stop myself from remembering the way I had held his shivering form in my hands last night. I blink, clearing the memory as a shudder rakes through me.

Brushing my free hand through his black hair, I bite my lip as a sob threatens to spill. He was alive, he was going to be okay. Those were the words I kept repeating to myself as I ran my gaze over his face.

Vince's face is still somewhat bruised up, however the bullet wound against his upper left shoulder has been cleaned and re-bandaged. The steady beating of his heart can be heard distinctly in the background, leaning closer towards him I watch my abdomen and place my face close to his ear.

"When you're ready, we'll be waiting right here" I whisper, blinking away more tears as I place a gentle kiss against his forehead.

Skimming my hand down to his heart, I place my palm against the strong thud that's felt there, needing the reassurance.

A loud knock is heard behind me, the door opening softly as a nurse walks in. Turning towards her, she smiles warmly bowing before addressing me and Kane. "Alpha, Luna."

Kane places a hand on my waist, rubbing my t-shirt covered skin in comfort as he nods for her to continue. "He's doing fine, we've managed to clear out any wolfsbane that was still in his system. This should help his wolf to heal him quickly, he should be awake within the next 4-8 hours."

I smile at her in thanks, blinking my eyes to clear the moisture gathering in there once again. Moving back towards my brothers bed, I place a kiss against his warm hand, the sadness and turmoil suddenly blossoming into hope and excitement.

"I'll need to check his bandages as soon as he's awake, until then you're free to visit him" with a bow she moves to head towards the door. Turning my head just in time, I clear my throat signalling her halt. Holding her light brown eyes I smile warmly, "Thank you for taking care of my brother."

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