Wait, What?- Spock

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"Spock, dear, I'm going to be fine. I'm not due for another two weeks at least. Use that logical mind of yours and stop worrying. I'll be fine." You reach up and place a hand on your husband's face, stroking his cheek. "Now give your wife a kiss before you head up to the bridge. I'll be here in the room all day."

Spock looked at you for a few more minutes before he gently kissed you, placing a hand on your large stomach and the other behind your neck. "If you request my presence you need only ask. Doctor McCoy is also aware of your condition and will be available to assist you." You smile and kiss him again.

"I know Spock. Now go on. I love you."

"As do I." Spock said expressionless but sweetly.

Once he left, you turned to your PPAD and contacted McCoy. You had started feeling small contractions once you and Spock were getting ready for the day. But you didn't want to worry Spock so you waited to do anything about it until after he left. You sit down on your bed, taking your weight off your feet and rubbing your belly.

"Come on sweetheart, you just have a few more weeks to go." You close your eyes and moan against another contraction. Your water didn't break yet so you were sure it was just Braxton-Hicks contractions.

Your PPAD went off and you saw Bones. "Hey there, Doc." You smile hoping it doesn't look like a grimace.

"Hey yourself. How's the kid?"

"He was kicking a few hours ago but now I'm feeling contractions."

Bones looked up form whatever he was holding in his hands. "Wait and why are you acting all calm about this? I'm sending a nurse to come wheel you in."

You laughed lightly. "No, no don't worry about it. It's just Braxton-Hicks. My water isn't-" You froze mid sentence. Slowly looking down, you tried to keep your breathing steady as you noticed the bed suddenly become wet. You didn't have to say anything for Bones to catch on.

"Right. Like you said, it could be nothing." He sarcastically drawled. "Nurse Kate, I need you to wheel in lieutenant (L/n) in here right now as I prep the delivery room." Looking back at you, Bones helped you regulate your breathing. "When do you want me to bring in pointy ears?"

You tried to laugh at your husband's nickname but let out a groan when another contraction hit. Easing a hand you shook it wildly. "No, please don't get him.  Not yet. He doesn't know. He has been worrying too much. Don't bring him in until you are sure me and the baby are alright." You pant, wincing once more.

"I won't argue with you there. Nurse Kate is there now, see you in a few. Keep breathing!" With that he cut the call, right when Nurse Kate came in.  You let out a breath and closed your eyes. Spock is not going to be happy when he finds out you were holding out on him.


You kept your screams of pain to a minimum as you were wheeled into the delivery room. McCoy stood there all decked out in his doctor garb. A smile on his face eased your worry, but only just.

"Alright, darling. Take a nice deep breath, it will only take a moment to get you on the bed." He kindly brushed a hair from your sweating face.

You nod and squeeze your eyes tight as you do as he said. You grit your teeth as you are moved, letting out your breath as you relax against the soft bed. You rub your swollen stomach and moan again. "Why do you have to be so persistent?"

You heard a body come close to you but your kept your eyes shut. "Are you sure you don't want me to call in Spock? I know he can be a pain some times but husband's are known to be good to take the pain out on."

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