Get Off- Kirk

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You grunted as you were tossed into your cell. Wiping blood off your mouth, you turned angrily to the creature locking you up. You banged on the cell door.

"You can't keep me in here forever! You flea ridden cockroach!"

The sullen voice of your cell neighbor gave you pause. "Quiet down (Y/n), they'll just beat you more later."

You huffed, turning around to slide down the door, rapping your arms around your thin frame. "If it means you won't get beaten then so be it." You brushed your hair back, wincing as you felt a bump forming on the back of your head. "I'm almost hoping I won't make it to the next beating." You laugh humorlessly, shaking your head slightly.

You hear a shuffle next to you, a small pale face coming into the sliver of light that hit the adjoined cell wall. "Don't say that. If anyone will get out alive it will be you."

You shake your head as you reach into a hidden hole in the wall next to you where you saved up the small amount of food you are given. Sliding over, wincing at the new bruises you were finding, you hand your small friend some of the food. "That's nice of you to say, but I don't like the idea of leaving the rest of you here. How is the little one?"

You met the young fifteen year old girl, Salia, when she and an older lady were put in your neighboring cell about a year ago. Luckily they haven't been here as long as you have. Only just recently did their human caretaker get taken away, never to be seen again. So Salia takes care of herself and a young four year old boy, Marci. They are the sole reason you have fought to stay alive and take as many of the beatings as you could.

The young girl turned, leaving you alone for a moment as she checked on her cell mate. Her pale, freckled face reappeared. "He's fine. They gave him some extra food today, while you were gone. But we saved it, like you said to do."

You nodded, closing your eyes as you rolled onto your side to relive some of your pain. "Has his fever gone down?"

She nodded. "A bit, but I still don't like the sound of his cough."

As if on cue, you heard the little boy cough and you agreed with Salia. "Well, maybe his illness will get you a bit more food for a while." You smiled weakly doing your best to think positively, for the girl's sake.

She nodded. "Hopefully. Did you happen to learn where we are?"

You closed your eyes, thinking back to the screens you could see as they dragged you through the ship. None of the stars out the windows looked familiar but there was one thing that gave you hope.

"I saw a nebula that I recognized but the stars aren't the same. So I can only think we are on the other side of that nebula." What you didn't tell her was that the ship was excruciatingly close to a Federation space port.

"That's good, I suppose. Means we aren't too far from where they took you." You smiled at the small amount of hope you heard in the girl's voice.

"Maybe." You winced again, shifting on the hard, cold cell floor. You reached out, taking hold of Salia's hand through one of the bars. "Hopefully you won't be here for much longer." You smiled weakly at her as you tried to warm her cold, frail hands.

After a few moments of silence, the two of you were jolted form your revery by the sound of someone coming followed by the whole ship suddenly lurching. You let go of Salia's hand and gestured for her to be quiet as you stood with difficulty. You watched as the cell keeper rushed up to you, grasping you through the bars, pulling you to him as you held back vomit from his putrid smell.

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