Happy Birthday - Kirk

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This is for lukeybabe68  (for some reason noTHING WILL TAG) cuz they liked all my Kirk chapters and I have been sitting on this idea for a while. Enjoy!


You turned at the sound of your name. You were surprised to see Doctor McCoy make his way over to you. "Yes, Doctor?"

"I'm glad I caught you. Jim is in a meeting and I need help getting people together for a little birthday surprise for him." He looks at you with a smile.

You look at him with a touch of confusion. "But what do you need me for? He doesn't know me very well." And you would like to keep it that way. You have liked the Captain for as long as you could remember. Working two different shifts causes for special attention during routine checks, but that doesn't mean he remembers you. "I am not even a senior officer yet." You let out a nervous laugh at the end so it didn't sound accusing.

"You are part of the crew, aren't ya? Well, then you didn't hear this from me." He leans in a bit closer, causing you to lean back just a bit. "You may or may not be mentioned in said meeting." He chuckled, standing straight as he clapped you on the back. "Now, you think you can gather any if the crew that you see to meet in Conference Viewing room eight in twenty minutes. We are just going to have some drinks and remind our Captain to relax a bit." He nods his head at you and walks off in the direction he came from, you watching his retreating form.

You mutely nod your head and turned to walk back in the direction you were going, now completely forgetting the reason you were going that way other than to find crew members and point them in the direction of Conference Viewing room eight. As you walked around the artificial planet, the idea of the small birthday get together was becoming something you were looking forward to. Maybe then you can tell the Captain about your feelings toward him, hear his obvious disgust and then your heart can learn to shy away from him. Hopefully.

You nodded, smiled, and told the Enterprise crew that you came into contact with about the small get together. You made one more pass around a small area by the room before spotting the doctor walking in your direction with the captain talking enthusiastically beside him. McCoy catches your eye and nods. Your eyes widen and you remember that the captain didn't know about it, so you nodded back and quickly entered the room, alerting the crew inside that they were on their way in.

You spot Mr. Scott grab a drink for himself and one for either the doctor or captain. You walk over to him and do the same, standing to his left. The doors to the room sound and the two men walk in. They were greeted with a chorused "Happy birthday!" as Mr. Scott and yourself walk up to hand them their drinks. You try to keep an unbidden blush from growing as you noticed the Scotsman hand his extra drink to the doctor, leaving you to service the captain.

You walk up to him and smile. He smiles wide at you, taking the glass from you gently as you blush a bit more when his hand grazes yours. You quickly drop your hand and nodded to him before you quickly turn away, walking to some secluded table. You contort your face into a huge grimace as you bury your face in your hands. Stupid cheeks, blushing at everything like at ten-year-old school-girl.

You heard everyone talking and laughing but you made no movement to join them. You sipped at your drink, looking out the huge windows in front of you of the Enterprise being repaired. Well, more like remade. You hear voiced draw closer, so you glanced behind you to see the captain, doctor, and first officer come together to look at the ship. Others joined them as they all stood there just looking at it and making comments. Ensign Chekov said something and the group laughed as they all slowly departed.

You noticed the doctor lean over to say something to the birthday boy, glancing and nodding in your direction. Your face blanched and you swallowed hard when you realized he caught you staring at him. The captain turned to look at you, sending you a dazzling smile. You sent him a weak smile before quickly turning back to your now empty glass. You bite your lip and internally groan as you hear footsteps growing behind you. You close your eyes tight and lean your head back a bit, doing your best to gain control of your emotions.

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