Plague - Scotty

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Engine room crew members shared glances as they heard their lead engineer's cough echo through the large inner ship. Scotty has been sick for three days now and everyone could tell he wasn't getting any better. He refused help from Bones, saying "no one can run this ship like I can without blowing something up."

No one argued with him there. Partly because no one tells Scotty what to do and partly because you weren't on the ship currently. You were playing ambassador on a space station and despite the Enterprise heading there to pick you up, it wasn't fast enough for the crew. Scotty was getting on everyone's nerves. Mainly Bones' because he was worried the Scotsman would spread what he has to the rest of the crew. That would not be fun.

So, here they all were, praying that they wouldn't catch what their superior officer had and praying even harder that you get here soon because the only person who had the guts to level with Scotty was you; his wife.


You adjusted your uniform as you stepped off the transporter pad. Captain Kirk greeted you, taking your hand, a large smile on his face.

"Welcome back Commander. You have no idea how glad we are that you're back."

Bones piped up behind him. "Some more than most."

You gave them a look. "Is everything alright, Captain?"

Kirk nodded for you to follow him as he spoke, leading you through the hall. "It seems as though your husband-"

You interrupted him, placing your face in your hand. "Has he been defying your orders again? I told him, the only way he got away with acting out last time was that he ended up helping-"

Kirk chuckled. "No, (Y/n), not exactly. He has been sick and won't take orders to rest. Bones is at his wit's end getting that man to not spread whatever he has."

You shook your head. "I am so sorry Captain. Excuse me as I go quorenteen my husband." You bowed to the captian be for stomping off in the direction of the engine room.


Scotty wiped his nose on his sleeve as he looked over the specs of some newly upgraded power couplings. He let out a rattling cough into his elbow then shook his head, blinking. His head felt heavy and his eyes itched. He was thankful you were off on assignment. If not he could practically hear you say:


Scotty jumped, nearly dropping his PADD. Apparently, he thought too hard because you actually showed up. He winced as he turned around, spotting his lovely wife making swift work of the distance between them. You looked as excited to see him as he felt.

"Do you want to die?! I have half a mind to skip the part where you slowly die of your illness and send you out into a cold stary grave."

Scotty sniffed, smiling wide. He walked down some steps to meet you, his arms opened wide. "If it isn't by wonderfully, beautiful wife."

You stepped up to him and he tried to hug you but you side-stepped him whacking him upside his head. He let out an annoyed "hey" and rubbed the back of his head. You rolled your eyes. 

"If it isn't my stupidly sick husband." You crossed your arms and shook your head. "I leave you alone for one mission and you decide to contract the plague. Not only that but you refuse to get help." You sighed, looking at him for an explanation.

Scotty shrugged, sniffing again. "You know how it is, love. No one can run this ship like I can." He started to cough, staggering a bit.

You reached forward and took his arm, holding him steady. You let yourself smile as you felt his forehead for a temperature. He was burning up.

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