Forgive Me- Kirk

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AimeeDevin I hope you don't hate me but I had to change some of it. It was turning a bit too dark soooo I tweaked it. I hope you don't mind!

BUT THAT PICTURE THO!!! What a little squish squish ;) 

It was on days like today that you just couldn't wait to get to your room and lay down. Your boyfriend, Jim, was planning on having a late dinner with you tonight after his meetings. You knew exactly what you were going to cook him and your mouth watered just thinking about it.

Your spirits were lifted as you thought about tonight. You figured you might as well go get some ingredients now since you were passing the cafeteria/kitchens anyways. You smiled to the officers you recognized and made your way to the stored real foods. You weren't alone as you searched, voices in one of the side storage rooms suddenly becoming loud. But you did your best to ignore it, not wanting to get into someone's business considering all the gossip and drama that goes along with a largely manned ship.

You had filled a small box with what you needed and was about to leave when one of the voices suddenly sounded familiar. You shook your head and took a step when you heard your name.

"Oh goodness, how embarrassing. (Y/n), we didn't know you were in here."

You turned to face Melony, the woman who made every possible move on Jim but couldn't take no for an answer. Or take the hint that her reassignment to the kitchens was to keep her at a distance. You were about to tell here to shove off when you laid eyes on the man next to her. You dropped the box of food.


His face was red, his hair was tousled, his clothes were wrinkled and he seemed to have a growing red mark of a hand print on the side of his face. You didn't want to think about what may have happened, but your mind went there anyways. He looked like he was at a loss of words, but at the moment you didn't care, you just wanted to leave.

Melanie smirked at you as she grabbed for Jim's hand, wrapping her other arm around his arm like a snake claiming it's pray. "We wanted to tell you sooner but I guess fate wanted us to be known." Her little giggle at the end made your skin crawl.

"Keep your mouth shut." You looked to Jim for some kind of support, but he looked away, almost like he was ashamed. Ashamed for getting caught or ashamed for cheating on you, you knew not. You shook your head. "I guess old habits do die hard."

At that Jim looked at you quickly, even reached out as you turned to leave, forgetting about the fallen food. But Melanie squeezed his hand so hard her nails drew blood, making any words he was about to say die on his lips.

You wiped falling tears as you held back your sobs until you were in your room. You locked our door and flopped on the bed not even bothering to change out of your uniform. You replayed the moment back in your mind over and over again, searching for some kind of explanation as to why you found your boyfriend of two years alone with a known scamp in the kitchen storage room.

There had to be a reason. Jim had changed, you knew that the moment you both happened to fall asleep together while watching the stars and you woke to him still there. And that was a year ago. He would always leave before you woke up, just so you wouldn't get caught with the captain let alone the playboy of Starfleet. But his tune changed. You never doubted him for a second.

Until now.


Jim blinked as he held his head. He knew asking Melanie for help was idiotic but she was the only one who knew anything about your home planet. You, Melanie and three others were from a planet where each person is given a type of skill. You were exceptionally good with all things music. But he didn't know that before he decided to pursue you.

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