Deliverance- Kirk

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cutiewithabow-I hope this is to your liking! Thanks for the request and enjoy!

You blinked hard as you reached up to cradle your head but you found it hard to move your body, feeling heavy and sleepy. You heard voices, one you recognized, one you didn't and it gave you chills. Suddenly your body shook as the ground beneath you rumbled and you could have sworn you were moving. But your mind grew foggy and it went black.

You heard your captain shouting something. Something about being stranded and needing help. She sounded distressed and you really wanted to get up and see what was wrong but again, you found you couldn't move. Your head pounded and your limbs ached. Then you heard the sound of another voice, one you couldn't fully understand. You were able to call out to your captain but she ignored you, continuing with her plea that suspiciously sounded rehearsed.


When Kirk got the call about a found escape vessel he wasn't sure if he was up to the challenge of another mission so soon after just landing in Yorktown. After the survivor was fitted with a voice collaborator and language aids, he stood there, listening to the alien captain recount what happened and cringed internally at her plea of help. The admiral pulled him aside and spoke to him, gauging how he felt about taking on this mission. But he assured her that he and his crew were the best they had at the moment and that he will help.

He met up with with the female captain, telling her that he was ready to leave when she was. She surprised him by asking for another favor.

"Please," her voice was overlayed with the English translation, "I have another one that came with me, she is in my ship still. I did not tell you until now in fear of what you may do to her. But seeing as I can trust you I ask you take her with us. She needs medical attention."

Kirk nodded. "Of course." She nodded and left as he turned to his friend who happened to timely pass by. "Bones, it seems there were two on that ship and the second one is in need of medical attention."

Bones looked off in the direction the other captain left, sneering at her back. "You would think she would be more concerned about her injured crewman considering all that she has been through."

"I agree," Kirk replied solemnly, turning to go retrieve the stowaway.

Once they reached the ship Bones found you, shaking his head at the state you were in. "Looks like she was hit upside the head then sedated."

Kirk got a good look at you, scanning your body for weapons. "Huh. Be sure to keep an eye on her. Take her to sickbay and keep here there until we know exactly what is going on."


Your ears rang and you let out a gasp as you sat up, breathing hard as you tried to find your bearings. You were in a medical facility apparently on a ship. You looked around; no sign of your captain. But you were interrupted by the sounds of something familiar. Your ears perked and you used your hyped hearing to single out the sound of the horde of ships racing right for this ship.

Suddenly everything came back to you. Krall. The swarm of ships. The planet in the meteor nebula. The voices of your captain and Krall talking. Your eyes widened; you remembered stumbling upon their conversation, hearing too much and getting hit upside your head.

You had to warn the captain of this ship. Your captain was leading them into a trap.

Ignoring all shouts and calls from the medical officers around you, you raced through the unfamiliar halls, trying to find your way to the cockpit. You found a map on a wall and quickly studied it, finding you were relatively close. You sprinted into the room filled with officers and you spotted your captain.

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