Race- Sulu

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You checked your harness, double checked your controls and triple checked the flight path. You placed your communicator in your ear and signaled for your teacher if you could start flying. With a green light and blood pumping, you pushed the accelerator of your little fighter pilot ship. Smiling, you let out a shout of excitement and pumped a fist. Your smile grew as your ship burst through the space station and soared through the stars. with your final flight exam coming up, you took what little break time from studying you had to get behind some controls and practice one last time.

You heard there was one guy, Hikaru Sulu, was your main competition. You heard that he was so good that Pike had already preemptively picked him to pilot the Enterprise. Your blood boiled at the thought of your dream position already getting taken by a someone who hasn't proven himself yet. You barrel rolled to let off steam. Thank goodness you got one of the training ships, you couldn't stand the training simulators; they made you sick to your stomach.

You pulled a double flip, giggling at the freedom you felt out in space with nothing or no one to hold you back. You let out a whoop as you started another trick but a male voice came over your comms, bringing you out of your euphoria.

"How come I get the feeling you're the girl who screwed up the last training ship."

You rolled your eyes at your unwanted visitor. You looked out your window spotting another training ship but you couldn't make out his face.

"So what? I beat the last cadet's race time. I say it was worth the single day of cleaning parts."

You heard a chuckle and his ship drifted a little closer to you.

"Oh, so it was you. Alright then."

You shook your head slightly, raising your hand and giving his ship a look of confusion.

"Alright what? Was that your ship I screwed up or your race time."

He chuckled again. "My ship. But if you can beat me in a race and prove you beat the leading race score, then I will forgive you for setting back my qualifying test."

Your cheeks reddened and you swallowed, nodding. "Yeah, ok. And if I don't win?"

"Hmm...I get to choose."

You let out a breath. "Fine." You looked over your controls and checked your stats. "And where do we start and end this little bet?"

You saw his ship turn, so you followed him, leading you to the base of the space station. "We start here, follow the usual flight path for our qualifying test, wrap around the planet then end up back here."

You shook your head again, stretching your arms and fingers, rolling your shoulders and head. "Alright. Sounds easy enough. And who gets to start us off."

"On the tenth blink of our comms unit indicator starting..."

The green light on your dash blinked.


You silently counted down to ten with the green blinking light. Your ships hummed in eager excitement as your knuckles turned white while you gripped your accelerator hard.

3. Your leg bounced.

2. You took a deep breath

1. You smirked.

The ships came to life. You bit your lip as your ship shot forward and your euphoria returned. You heard a holler from the other end of your comms unit.

"May the best pilot win."

You rolled your eyes and focused on the race. No need for distracting banter if you can bash him later on. When you win.

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