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Next day, Akhila and Sumedh were rushing to the hospital. They are having Rachel's appointment for Akhila's ultrasound scan. Gender will be declared today. "Jaan! Fast!" Sumedh shouted impatiently. "Coming Prabha! Can't you wait for a moment!" Akhila shouted grabbing her wallet. "Be careful Sumu. Take care of her." Akanksha said waving them. They pulled off.

"Why are you so impatient? Rachel asked us to come at 10:00. Its only 9:00 here. We have one hour to go." Akhila folded her hands and turned her head to the window. "I planned something." He said. Immediately she turned her head to him. "What?" She asked softly.  He nodded. She smiled. They pulled into vegan joint. "Why here?" She asked. "Shh!" He said closing her lips with his finger "just come." He whispered. She blushed and hopped out of the car. They went to the reception. "Mr and Mrs. Mudgalkar" he said. Akhila blushed. A girl came and showed their table. It was in a corner. He wontedly booked that table because the paparazzi won't see them. Yeah! They became famous. Sumedh is in diamond business so he became a business magnet. Akhila is his wife so automatically she too became famous. They are the page3 celebrities in India now. Everyone wants what they do. Also Akanksha and Kavya. Akanksha is Varun's wife. So she's famous before getting married. Kavya is Siddharth's wife so she's also famous.

"What did you actually plan Prabha?" She asked. "Jaan! Just wait n see!" Sumedh said and wontedly stared into her eyes. She got completely lost, blushing. Immediately flowers showered on them. "What?" She saw him with teary eyes. "Jaan, this is for our baby. Thank you for giving me a priceless gift. Love you." He said and smooched her. "Love you too." She said with teary eyes. Breakfast got served and they ate. Sumedh fed Akhila, as she blushed all the way.

They reached hospital. "Mr and Mrs. Mudgalkar." Sumedh said. The receptionist typed some thing in the computer and gave them the token. "Please wait sir." She said. They smiled and walked to the chairs. They sat down. Sumedh caught Akhila's hand. "Just very tensed and excited. Its our first baby!" Sumedh said. "Yeah! I'm also feeling the same. I can feel its kicking" Akhila said rubbing her tummy. "Mr and Mrs. Mudgalkar." The nurse called. They saw each other's faces and smiled. They went inside. "Hey Rachel! Wassup?" Akhila asked sitting on the chair. "Nothing much. How are you feeling Akhila?" Rachel asked. "Its kicking. I can feel it!" She said rubbing her tummy, smiling. "Pretty good response. So Akhila, you just change into this robe and I'll just come. Sumedh please be with her." Rachel said rushing out. "Always!" Sumedh said. "I'll just change into this Prabha." Akhila said feeling heavy. "I'm feeling heavy Prabha!" She said. "Its okay! You sit and I'll make you change." He said. She nodded and blushed. He changed her into the robe. "Baby!" She saw with a poker face. "Haha it's okay Jaan! I'm your husband now!" He said laughing. "Yeah I married a mad ass!" She said even more laughing. "Baby, do you think your daddy is a mad ass?" Sumedh asked the baby, rubbing Akhila's tummy. It kicked. "See it kicked. It also knows that you're a mad ass!" Akhila said laughing. Sumedh kept a poker face. Rachel came. "Something funny is going on here without me?" She asked laughing. "Hey Rachel, do you think I'm a mad ass? Because my wife and my baby think that I'm a mad ass!" Sumedh asked rubbing his head. "No you're not a mad ass. You're a good ass!" Rachel laughed giving a fist bump to Akhila. Sumedh kept a poker face. "You did so much drama Prabha. Now let's see whether our baby is she or he!" Akhila said lying on the bed. "Excited?" Rachel asked rubbing the gel on Akhila's tummy. "Its cold!" Akhila said giggling. "Kaj knows everything very well. Also Nisha I think. Nisha's delivery was in India, right?" Rachel asked. "Yeah. Its a girl and in India, they won't tell the gender, coz if its a girl some uneducated people get them aborted. That's so cheap and rude. They actually are murdering the baby inside. Its counted as a murder and I love girls. I want a girl child for me." Sumedh said. Akhila adored him. "So cheap Sumedh. Girls are princesses. They're not a burden and we look after elders and do works as boys do!" Rachel said. "Yeah Rachel!" Akhila said. "Finish! I'll be back in a while. Akhila you change." She said and went out. 

"I'm seriously wishing for a princess." Sumedh said. "You love girls that much?" Akhila asked. He nodded changing Akhila into her maxi. "I'm back!" Rachel said. "Who's it Rachel?" Sumedh asked excitedly,  keeping his fingers crossed."Its a girl!" Rachel said smiling wide. "Its a GIRL!" Sumedh shouted and danced all over the room. Akhila and Rachel laughed and hugged each other. "Thank You Rachel!" Akhila said. Rachel smiled. "Jaan! You're really my Jaan!" Sumedh shouted hugging Akhila tightly. "Prabha leave me. Its hurting the baby." Akhila said laughing. "Oh! Sorry!" Sumedh said and left Akhila. "Now we should search names for the baby." Akhila said taking the reports. "Yeah Jaan!" Sumedh said. "Okay Rachel, we'll leave. We have so much to celebrate." Akhila said. "And Rachel, you're coming for her baby shower if you are free." Sumedh invited. "Of course I'll come. I need to see The Taylor Swift! My idol." Rachel said seeing Taylor's wall poster in her room. They waved and left from there.

"Ha didi. Yeah, we are about to start to the airport." Kavya was talking to Akanksha. Its October. So they were having diwali holidays for one week and specially Kavya took a leave for Akhila's delivery and Siddharth is also coming to Los Angeles. Vasudev took in charge over the business as they both are travelling. 

"We are waiting for you Kav. I didn't tell Akhi that you're coming." Akanksha said. 

"From when did you start her calling Akhi? You were calling her skitty or skittles na?" Kavya asked. Akanksha started calling Akhila as Skittles or Skitty. Nicknames. Akhila also started calling Akanksha as Dida, which means big sister in Marathi language. She learned from Sumedh.

"Oh! Yeah!" Akanksha smiled rubbing her forehead. 

"Okay didi. We are going to the gate. I'll call you when we reach there. Bye" Kavya said.

"Happy and a safe journey." Akanksha said and cut the call. "They're coming. Skitty will be more excited!" She whispered hugging her phone to the chest. "Dida!" Akhila screamed and ran to her. "Careful Skittles!" Akanksha said. "Dida call everyone. We have a news for you." Akhila said. Vinod came running from his room. "Bhai! Call everyone." Akhila said. Vinod called everyone to the living room. Taylor was getting bored in her house as Calvin is in Scotland, for some album shoot and other works. Hallie and Ashton are with Austin, Samantha and kids to celebrate Halloween  Taylor decided to celebrate this Halloween there. So she came there. "Hey Tay! You're already here! Wow!" Sumedh said. "Hey Sumedh!" Taylor smiled wide. "So what happened? Princess or Prince?" Varun asked. "Its a princess guys!" Sumedh shouted, dancing and jumping. "OMG! Skitty! Princessssssss!!!!!!!" Akanksha squealed. "Ha dida!" Akhila said and they hugged. Everyone congratulated them. "Now go and rest. We'll think about the name tomorrow. It's already afternoon. You need a rest." Sanjana said. "Okay bhabhi." Akhila said smiling. She went inside and slept.

Akanksha was reading a book in wattpad, as Varun came in and locked the door. "Hey!" Akanksha said and again looked at the phone. "Only phone? Not me?" Varun said raising his eyebrows and sitting down beside Akanksha. "Always for you." Akanksha said putting her phone away. "What made you wear a saree today?" He asked. "Just like that!" She whispered huskily. "Oh really?" He winked. "Yep!" She blushed. "Want some entertainment?" He asked. "What?" She literally jumped. "Nothing. But tell me one thing! When are you going to give me such gifts? I mean such priceless gifts?" He asked. "For that we need to work hard!" She blushed harder. "Oh! Really? Teach me how to do?" He asked smirking. She blushed even more harder. He moved closer to her, locking his eyes on her. She got lost completely. He slowly cupped her face and started kissing her. She kissed back and they fell on the bed kissing.

And you know what will happen next! Its a girlll!!!!! Princess!!!!! Yay! Name is already in my mind. 💃💃💃💃 Yay! Kavya is coming tomorrow with Siddharth. Its a surprise and let's see Akhila's reaction on that surprise.

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