Aisha and Akira

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They were in a conference call. "Do you guys wanna eat some Indian food?" Karlie asked. "Yassss!!" Everyone cheered, throwing their hands up. "Indian Indian!" Priya and Payal shouted, making Kajal panic. "Shhh!" Kajal fingered on her lips. They imitated her and kept quite. They went to a restaurant named Cardamom, which is a multi cuisine restaurant.

They took their seats. "What shall we order?" Sumedh asked. "Maybe burger and fries?" Kavya said. "Classical dish of America!" Taylor leaned forward, "but this is an Indian restaurant Kavya. You need to order something new babe." She said. "Yeah!" Kavya rubbed her head. "So let's go with Chicken biryani? I'm craving for it!" She said. "Chicken!" Varun's eyes lit up with joy. "Yeah jiju chicken!" Akhila laughed. "I know you love chicken more than me and our future baby. It's okay!" Akanksha started teasing him. "Aw jaanu it's not like that. I love you and our baby more than me." He kept a sad face and smiled, keeping his hand on Akanksha's stomach. "I know baby, I'm just teasing!" She tongue winked. "Stupid girl!" He laughed and everyone laughed. "Let's order wine first and the appetizers." Taylor said. "Sure. Actually, I read that it's a multi cuisine restaurant?" Karlie said. "That's what made me suggest this one." Calvin said. "That's awesome Cal! We can eat what we want! But the entree is Indian!" Akhila said. "Yeah sure Akhila!" Calvin said. "Dessert is your wish!" Siddharth said. "Chocolate!!!!" Kids almost shouted and they cupped their mouths. "Cute!" Arman said adoring them. "So yeah let's order." Sumedh said.

The waiter came and he took the appetizers order. They ordered a sake shrimp with mashed potatoes and beurre blanc sauce. For the entrees they ordered chicken biryani and for the desserts they ordered a choco lava cake, as the children wanted. They ate the food. "Hey I'll go to the washroom and come." Varun said and got up. He came out and ran into a girl.

"Sorry!" She said. "Its okay miss." Varun saw into her eyes. "The coffee is all on you. Let me clean this up. Excuse me, can I get a tissue paper?" She asked. The waitress got the tissues and cleaned she his shirt. Her eyes were magical. He got lost in her. "Yeah it's done." She said. "Thank you. By the way I am..." He was cut off by her, "you are Varun Dhawan. I know you very well." She smiled. "Yeah!" He rubbed his back head and smiled nervously. "I am Aisha. This is my cousin Akira." She introduced herself. "Hey! Akira! What are you doing here?" Varun asked. "Come!"

They went to their table. "Akira?" Akanksha and Akhila said in unison. "Dida! OMG!!" Akhila whispered. "Shhh! Keep quiet. She's a good person." Akanksha whispered back. Akhila nodded her head slightly. "How are you Akira? And who's she?" Kavya asked. "Curious person!" Siddharth chuckled. Kavya saw him with a poker face, pouting. "She's my cousin Aisha. After Natasha di, she's my everything and now..." Akira started crying. "Natasha committed a suicide in the jail." Aisha continued. "Finally!" Priya shouted. "Shhh!" Kajal shook her head. Priya imitated her. "Had lunch?" Vinod asked. "Yeah just now." Aisha replied. "Let's go home and talk." Sanjana said. "Yeah that would be great." Taylor said. They pulled off to home.

"So tell me more about you Aisha." Varun saw her with a cute expression. Akanksha sat beside him and leaned her head on his shoulder. He shook her off. She got confused and saw him. He didn't care her. Aisha saw Akira and smiled. Akira closed her eyes and nodded. "Hot chocolate!" Camilla shouted, keeping them on the coffee table. "I am a food blogger. I came here for a project and I was wondering where to stay." Aisha said. "You can stay here." Varun said without any hesitation. Everyone saw him with a shock on their face. He didn't care. "Thank you so much. You're so sweet!" Aisha hugged him and placed a kiss on his cheek. Akanksha got disgusted and rubbed her cheek angrily. "She just kissed my husband!" She hissed angrily and walked away from there, followed by the girls.

"She's too much." Akanksha hissed. "Haan di! Too much! How can she kiss jiju!" Kavya frowned angrily, sitting beside Akanksha. "I hate her already!" Anjali said, folding her hands and leaning herself to the wall. "I mean she's too stupid to kiss a married man! That too he's my jiju!" Akhila hissed angrily. "I can understand that. We should do something now." Alia said. "Right Aloo." Akanksha said. "I'll follow her and see what's going on." Nisha said, as Kajal is always after kids. "That's great and I'll be with her." Parineeti said. "Thank you darling!" Akanksha hugged Parineeti. "We know how much you struggled in your past life. Your wedding with that bastard, your dad not believing in you and everything. We saw you struggling." Tamannaah said, with teary eyes. "Past is past Tammy. I'm over it and I just want my husband not to go into her trap as I believe she's trapping him. From the moment he met her I saw a change in his behaviour guys. He shook me off from his shoulder and he didn't even care about me. As I'm pregnant now, I don't even want to take a chance." Akanksha said. "You're right Dida. I know that pain. I experienced it." Akhila said. "I know right!" Akanksha said. "So yeah Pari, you be on your work and Nish," Akanksha saw Nisha. She nodded and smiled. After Parineeti went out, Nisha followed her.

"Where are they!" She whispered to herself. She saw Nisha. She shook her head and Parineeti went forward searching for Aisha and Akira. She found the sisters in a room, talking about something. "They should not know our identity Aki. I am back with vengeance and I will succeed it!" Aisha said. "I am there with you Aishu!" Akira put her hand on Aisha's shoulder. "We will do this and successfully they'll be another miscarriage in this house." Akira said, smirking. Nisha and Parineeti cupped their mouths and silently came away from there. "OMG! They're not good! They're planning for something else!" Parineeti gasped. "Haan Pari! This is too much. We should do something before it's too late!" Nisha said. Parineeti nodded. "But who can it be?"

"It can be anyone. It can be Akshu, Akhi and maybe even Kaj!" Nisha said with a tear drop rolling down her cheek. "Oh my god Nisha! We should stop this. We need help." Parineeti said. "Yeah. But Akshu, Kaj and Akhi shouldn't know about this. Akhi is in her eighth month now. So it's all dangerous for her. It can be dangerous for her life too!" Nisha said. "Haan Nish! You're right. The girls can help us and even Vinod." Parineeti said. Nisha nodded, hoping everything would be fine.

Hey people! Long time, no see! 😁😉😝😂

Aisha and Akira! Who can they be? Read the further chapters to know! 😉😈

They're planning for something dangerous! 😨😱😭😵

So here's the teaser:

"You be here! We'll search!" Akhila said. "But Skitty, you're also pregnant!" Akanksha said, crying. "It's okay Dida! Anything for you." Akhila said. Kavya, Vinod, Taylor and Akhila set out for searching.

What do you think they're searching for? Is it a thing or is it a person?

Leave your thoughts below. 👇👇

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