Priya, Payal and Aashi

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"Lunch time!" Sanjana and Kavya shouted. Akhila came down as Priya slept. They all sat for lunch. They heard a cry from upstairs. "I'll see." Akanksha said and went upstairs, followed by Varun. They came down with Priya. "She's crying." Akanksha said. "We'll see her. You all carry on." Varun said. They carried with lunch. "So we're planning a small party on the arrival of this brat." Kavya said, pointing to Priya. "That's great. Then what about a small shopping?" Anjali asked. "Awesome!" Sanjana exclaimed. "Then I'm joining you guys." Taylor said. "I'll take care of the kids." Selena said. "She's a good caretaker." Taylor said. Akhila smiled. "Then my daughter only sleeps, if she wakes up just call me. We'll be out for just a hour maybe, dida?" She saw Akanksha. She nodded,rocking Priya in her arms. "Done." Akhila said. "So me, Tay, Bhabhi, Anju, Kavya and Dida will be out for shopping." Akhila said. "Me and Nisha will get the cake and a cradle for the baby?" Kajal asked. "Awesome Kaj. Done!" Akanksha said. Akhila nodded. "Me, Varun and Karan are out for the decoration and stuff." Prabhas said. Varun and Karan quickly nodded. "Sumu and me are out for the music things. I mean remember the music system got..." Siddharth was about to complete. "Yeah. We're going for that repair. Understood! Okay?" Sumedh continued. Everyone laughed and Calvin entered. "Hey everyone." He said. "Daddy!" Hallie and Ashton ran to him. "Hello my babies. I missed you." He said and kissed them on their cheeks. "Adam?" Taylor just came out of the kitchen. She cupped her mouth and ran to him, crying. "Omg! I missed you a lot!" She said and kissed him. They kissed. Akhila fake coughed. "Okay, guys, I should leave as Calvin is home. So you all carry on. I'll join for the cradle ceremony. She said waving everyone. "What? Whose cradle ceremony you're talking about babe?" Calvin asked. "Sumedh and Akhila had a baby girl." She said happily. "That's awesome. Congratulations guys." Calvin said happily. Akanksha got the baby and showed her to Calvin. "What's her name?" He asked. "Priya." Akanksha said. "Nice name. I really don't have an idea about the name." Calvin grinned. "Haha Priya means Lovely." Akanksha said. "That's so amazing." Calvin said. "Shall we?" Taylor asked as she grabbed her things from inside. She wore her long jacket, her sunglasses and they went out waving everyone.

"So shall we go?" Akhila asked. "Shopping!!!!" Kavya squealed. "Haan meri maa, shopping!" Akhila sighed. They all went out for the works. Selena and kids were in house. Priya was sleeping while Payal and Aashi are playing. "Selena, will you play with us?" Aashi asked. "Yes aunt Selena please play with us." Payal asked. "Why are you calling her Aunt?" Aashi asked, innocently. "Because she's our friend. I mean my mommy's, every mausis friend. That's why I am calling her aunt. We also call Taylor as Aunt Taylor." Payal explained. Aashi nodded as she understood everything. Suddenly Selena's phone buzzed. It was Gigi. "Girls, keep playing and take care of your baby sister. I'll talk and come." Selena said. "Okay Aunt Selena...!" girls screamed. "Hey Gigs." Selena said and started to talk to Gigi. 

"Payal didi, take this and cook something." Aashi said. She's in her first year now. She speaks a lot. Payal and Aashi have a good bonding like siblings. "Let's take her and go to the kitchen. We can show her how to cook." Payal suggested. Aashi nodded. "I'll take her and come down. You go down and make the arrangements for the cake. A small one for our baby sister." Payal said lifting up Priya. They went out. Selena was still on the phone. She didn't notice the girls coming out. She was enjoying the talk. A conference call. Payal carried Priya successfully. "Didi, we shouldn't make sounds. We need to do everything silently. Or else they'll scold us." Aashi said. Payal nodded. They went to the kitchen, successfully without making any sounds. Payal placed Priya on the counter. She was still sleeping. Aashi closed the door. "Didi, here is the flour." She whispered, taking the huge bag of flour from the fridge. Payal took a big bowl and sat down. She saw once Kajal making cake for her and as she's a great learner, she grasped everything in that seeing. She's two and she can't do the cake with Aashi and Priya in hands. She's the elder girl there. Anything could happen. Selena is still on phone. 

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