Abhilash Mudgalkar

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Akhila is wincing in pain. Whining, wincing and her baby is troubling a lot in the stomach. But she controlled everything. "Jaan, we're inside! Just be strong and push." Sumedh said. "Bhabhi, you're coming?"

Akanksha nodded and they went inside. "Love! I can't I'm gonna d..." Sumedh closed her mouth. "Shhh!" He placed a finger on her lips and kissed her forehead. "You're gonna be fine and the little one will pop out soon."

"Skitty, just be strong. I'm there, Sumu is there, Rachel is there. Don't worry." Akanksha said. Akhila again shouted. Rachel put the golves and mask on. "Ready?"

Akhila nodded, closing her lips tightly and her eyes tightly. "Okay, push!" Rachel ordered. Akhila started pushing hard. After a few pushes, she fainted. "Jaan!" Sumedh got horrified. "I don't think she'll be able to make out. Just a few pushes and everything will be alright." Rachel said. "Bhabhi, get some water." Sumedh said. Akanksha nodded quick and searched for the water jug. She found it. Sumedh sprinkled some on Akhila. She woke up and shouted. "Oh, I can't see this!" Akanksha shut her eyes tightly. She ran outside, sobbing in her hands.

"Jaanu, is everything alright there?" Varun asked. Akanksha shook her head, "Rachel says that Skitty is not strong enough to make it." She said. "Oh, man!" Vinod frowned. "Nothing will happen. She'll be amazingly alright."

"Hope so Bhai." Akanksha sat beside Kavya. She rested her head on Kavya's shoulder. "Its okay Di. My jethani cum didi will be strong enough to make this." Kavya caressed Akanksha's hair. Akanksha gave a soft smile.

After a while, they heard a cry. Priya's eyes glowed up with joy, "Yayyyyy....!!! Brother is here! Brother is here!!!!" She danced around clapping her hands. Varun hugged Akanksha and Vinod. Everyone joined in the group hug. Rachel came out with the baby. She gave a soft smile and took the baby away. Akanksha and Kavya rushed inside. "What's wrong?" Kavya asked. Sumedh shook his head, "I'm a daddy again!" He hugged both.

"Did you think of a name yet?" Akanksha asked. "Yeah, from Akhila, 'A' and from Sumedh 'H', which makes Abhilash." Sumedh winked. "That's awesome!" Akanksha and Kavya squealed in unison and laughed, hugging eachother. Akhila came to conscious. "Where's my baby?" She asked in a broken voice. "R-rachel took him. Y-you take rest." Sumedh stammered. Akanksha signed. Sumedh shook his head. Meanwhile, Rachel came with the baby. He was wrapped in a green towel. "Did you think of a pretty name yet?" She asked. "Yeah." Akanksha nodded. "Okay then I'll get the form. Sumedh, you fill it and here is the baby." She handed over to Sumedh.

"He's gonna love daddy." He said, "hi baby, I'm your daddy!" He kissed his hand. Abhilash giggled. "I-I want the b-baby." Akhila asked in a broken voice. Sumedh carefully handed Abhilash to Akhila. "Hi baby. I'm mommy." She rubbed her nose against his. He giggled in sleep. "I'll go and make the arrangements." Kavya said. Akanksha followed her.

"I'm planning for a family plan operation." Sumedh said. "Don't worry, I'll bear the pain now. For you. But we can have sex anytime you want. I am always ready." He winked. "You're spoiling the baby." Akhila kept a poker face. Sumedh laughed. "Shhh! He's sleeping!" Akhila widened her eyes. "I'll go, bring doll." He said. After a while, "brother! Brother! Brother!" Priya whispered, clapping her hands. "Can I hold him? Can I? Can I? Can I?" She asked. Sumedh nodded, placing Priya beside Akhila. He carefully handed Abhilash. "I love you already brother. But you know what, I'm your big sister. You should listen to me. All my toys are not yours. We'll share." She grinned, tapping his nose slightly. He giggled in sleep. "I'm gonna take a picture." Sumedh whispered, pulling out his phone. He took a picture and captioned it as 'my world' and posted on Instagram. The comments started. He shoved his phone back into pocket, "what else could I ask for." He whispered and Akhila hugged him from the side.

Yayyyy! Abhilash is here!!!! Drum roll for the new Mudgalkar please!!! 📢📢📢🙌🙌🙌

Priya is so adorable as always. 😍😭

So here is the teaser:

"This is a second charm my dear!" - Rachel.

What's that? 😉 Guess! 😁

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Rhythm of Heart (DDP Sequel)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن