Because of yo ass

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Miracle pov

I slowly opened my eyes and I saw concrete and bars as a door. I came to my senses and shot up. My back started to hurt along with my leg. But I didn't care. I was just worried and wanted to know where I am. I then thought and thought hard. I looked down and saw myself in a orange uniform with the numbers 041504 on it. I then remembered what happened last night and realized I was in jail.

Awwwww shiiitt

I guess I didn't get away with killing my old job boss.
I started remising about me killing him. Stabbing him in the back and seeing him gag, gag, and gag even more with blood rushing out of his mouth.
I busted out laughing at the thought and continued thinking.
I turned him around and when he saw me he screamed .... Well he tried to, it just came out as a gagging whisper.
I started giggling and crackling at more thoughts of the night before, while I rocked back and forth on the prison bed holding my legs. My leg hurts but once again, I don't give 2 shits.
I catched the guard staring at me making me get knocked out of my thoughts. I stared at him back with a smirk and he gave me one last scold before turning back around and being on watch.

Miracle how did u sleep?


"I'm gone say this once and once only. Stop talking to nobody !!!!!! " The cop yelled while glimpsing me.

I got offended "I am talking to somebody !!!"

"Really !? WHO " The cop yelled making magical hand movements.

If that nigga won't shut the fuck up I'm gonna take over

" The person right here," I said nonchalantly while pointing to my head.

The cop stared at me , and started to laugh.

I just ignored him.

Remind me to kill him
Naomi said.

"I gottu" I said smiling.

"AYE FORSYTH PUT HER OUTSIDE !" Another cop yelled from what seemed far away.

This the perfect time Miracle imma kill him

"Nah Naomi not yet plss"

Ugh fine

I looked at the cop waiting for him the open my cell. It was daytime by the way. It felt like 10am. He took out his keys, and opened the cell door. I started laughing to myself because I felt like laughing and I was bored. "Forsyth" put me in cuffs and led me to the doors to out the field where the other prisoners were. I laughed the whole way until the cop said,
"You won't laugh for long...good luck on your first day Ms. Wright." He chuckled and opened the doors and walked me by a long walkway. He then he took off my cuffs and told me where the outside bathrooms are and shit and how things go and the rules and all that crap. He then walked away.

Miracle be careful, these girls look creepy. If anything happens I'm taking over OH FUCK THEIR COMING OVER HERE

" Calm down Naomi I'll be fine," I smirked evily.

This is my second chapter and yea I'll make another one Bc I'm feeling this story and have ideas lol

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