Bitch ass friend

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Mateo pov

"I wasn't jealous." I say.
"Probably because you was fucking around with other girls behind Nariya's back. So how could you even be jealous?" Alonzo says.
"I never fucked around..." I say.
"You almost fucked another girl behind her back...or should I say...anal?" He says playing with the gun.
I grew silent...
"I never did anal with any girl that is in this institution when me and Nariya were together, but somewhere else," I lie.

Y'all might hate me but yea I cheated on Nariya before she cheated on me. I had anal sex wit another girl. And you might jus hate me even more in a couple seconds.

"Mateo we know you fucked Mariya behind Miracles back," Nariya said.

"So when you fuck around with a 15 year old behind yo baby mommas back, it's okay but when somebody who feels hurt from your actions tries to get you back by doing the same that you did to them, it's bad?" Alonzo said.

"But y'all threatened to hurt Miracle if I don't have sex with Mariya."I say.

Yea you guys must hate me now.... I fucked a 15 year old behind Miracles back. So I wasn't a virgin when I fucked Miracle. I lied. But it wasn't my fault me and Mariya had sex. They threatened to hurt Miracle if I don't have sex with Mariya since she liked me for the longest so I was just trying to protect Miracle.
Mariya then appears out of nowhere going around all the other girls.
She untied me and I pushed her making her fall and next think you know I feel a burning sensation on my arm.

Alonzo shot me.
I wince of pain and grabbed my arm as everyone started charging after me.
Talitha took off my shirt but I was too weak to fight back and I started feeling numerous stings all over me. I couldn't even yell. That's how much I was in pain.

Nobody pov

Mateo was getting brutally beat by all 8 of the blue haired girls including Alonzo. Mateo couldn't even yell because they duck taped if mouth shut.
They beat Mateo with whips, belts, metal chains, yard sticks, and metal rulers.

"This is for being a hoe to me !" Nariya yelled and stabbed Mateo is the thigh with the metal ruler causing Mateo to finally yell through the duck tape. He let go of his arm and grabbed his thigh.
"This is for not having sex with me when I wanted you to last month because you're with that stupid green eyed monster bitch!" Tanya yelled and shot him on his other leg.
Alonzo then cocked his gun and walked up to Mateo and pointed it at his head.
"This is for being a bitch ass friend. It's you're turn to die but this time, you really are." Alonzo said and shot Mateo,

In the head..

O MY GAWD!!!!!!!!!!
Keep reading the story won't end like this...
Bri .

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