Daniela .

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Mateo pov

Damn i miss Daniela so much. The sad thing is that Ayleo, my parents, and I didn't know what happened to her. My father was pissed when she went missing but shook it off, and my mother was pissed too, so she drank it away and got drunk and high and moved on. They ain't even tell the police or nothing. They just went on with life.

They don't ever care. 


They treated Dani missing like they lost a dime or something.

And bet nobody even care about dimes. You know how long I haven't said the word 'dime' or 'ten cents?' 

Shit who gives a fuck about dimes. Or even pennies?

That's how my parents treated Daniela, Ayleo, and I.

Like lost and unimportant things.


Mateo: 8

Ayleo: 11

Daniela: 24

"So how old is she?" I asked

"She's 8 like you Teo," Daniela said while smiling and putting her shoes on next to her bed.

Ayleo and I stared at eachother. Ayleo then started to speak.

"What's her name?" Ayleo asked.

"Her name is Miracle." Daniela said while getting up and grabbing her purse.

"So, are we related to her or something?" Ayleo asked while getting up as well and following her. I stayed on the floor.

She stopped at the door and turned around. "No, not really, I'm her godmother. And her mom and I are bestfriends, but not on good terms." Daniela says while looking at the both of us.

"So why the fuck are you getting her?" I asked.

"Watch your mouth boy! And her mother and father don't treat her best so I think she should live with us." Daniela said. I then got up and went to her bedroom door where her and Ayo stood.

"We don't get treated best either so what makes you think things gone be better here for her?" I say getting pissed.

"Mateo, I know mom and dad don't treat us well, but you guys are my brothers and I love you and I promise we will all be good here including her. Even if they're not good we will be." Daniela says with truthful eyes.

"Okay Dani." I then kissed her on the cheek and walked out her room opening the door. "Love you,"

"Love you too,"

Ayleo then says his I love yous and walks out her room as well. We watched her tiptoe downstairs and out the front foor to see our mom on the floor drunk and knocked out, and our dad sleeping on the couch with cigarette ashes on his shirt. We went to our room window and watched her walk down the street to the city bus stop.


"Ayleo wheres Dani, it's late." I ask worried whie laying down on my bed and looking up at the ceiling.

"Ion know what time is it?" Ayleo asks while dancing.

"2 am"

"Ohhh shit" He then stops dancing and stares at me


"I'm sure she's fine Daniela's tuff, OUR sister is tuff," Ayleo says reasurring me and started dancing again.

I then look at him. "You're right." I then turn to the side. 

I feel like something's not right.

1 week later

"MATEO!!" Ayleo yells waking me up.

"WHAT!!??" i yell back annoyed.

"D-daniela, I-I miss her," Ayleo then drops to the floor and starts to cry.

I stare at him but tear up.

What if somethings hapened to her?

What if she left us??

What if she lied?

Where is my sister???

All I want is my sister,


I then start to cry too. 

What if I never see her again? She all I have.

She's all we have.

I have no friends, all my family hates us.

I grab the marble on the nightstand and throw it with my anger and sadness aiming at the mirror making it completely crack, and shatter.

Flashback over

Wait a minute...... Nah it can't be her. There's a bunch of Miracles in this world.

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