September 13, 2013

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September 13, 2013

Niall's POV

I'm getting holiday for my birthday so I'm going home. I pulled up to my mum's home and got out of the rented car. My dad told me he'd go over to my mum's today so he could see me. As I walked up to the front door I thought about all the mail I'll be handed. Probably a garbage bag or two. There always is. Most fans only write once though. They usually never write multiple times. I knocked on the door, and it slowly swung open. My mum wrapped her arms around me. I had to bend down a bit to hug her back.

"Niall! Happy Birthday!" She said in my ear. "Don't be a stranger! Come in!" I walked into the house I remembered. There were pictures of me all over the walls. Of when I was younger to ones of me now. I felt a little strange as I walked into the dining room. My dad was sitting there. He got up and gave me a hug too.

"Happy Birthday Niall. It's nice to see you." I nodded at him.

"Thanks, it's good to be home." I sat down across from him and noticed a big bag of mail in the corner. My eyes got wide. He chuckled at my reaction.

"I know what your thinking. It's a lot. The good thing is that non of them write twice. Well, except for one. I'll show you those ones later." Mum walked in and rested her hand on my back.

"I didn't know you were coming home. If I knew I would'v made a cake." She told me.

"Mum, you don't need to do that. I'm just happy that I can come home. I think the last time I was here I came to see Theo. How is the little bugger anyway?"

"He's really good. Cute as ever. By the way we did get you something, but we'll give it to you later on." I nodded as she went back into the kitchen.

"So how many do you think there are?" I asked pointing to the bag  in the corner.

"I don't know, there's another bag out in the living room. I haven't opened them, but the ones from one girl I keep in one pile. She writes almost every day." Almost every day?

"I'm gonna go visit with mum." He nodded as I got up. I sat at the counter. She turned around and smiled at me.

"So how are the guys?" She asked.


After dinner I had to leave. We had an early interview in the morning. Dad helped me put the bags of mail in the front seat next to me. They would have to go into the baggage section. I hugged my mum and thanked her for the wonderful dinner, then hugged my dad goodbye.

"Don't forget to read these ones." He whispered to me as he handed me a stack of eight letters. "The one on top is the one that came today. More will come from her, and I'll send them to you."

"Thank you."

"Make sure you read them though. I have a feeling their important. She keeps writing." I nodded then got into the rental car. I waived as I drove off.


It's at least an hour and a half flight. Not too long. I looked out the window of the plane.

Don't forget to read these ones.

I couldn't get what dad said out of my head. I reached into my coat pocket and pulled them out. The only thing it had on it for a return address was a name. Jackie. Nothing else. I took out the bottom one first. It was dated September 3rd.

The first one seemed pretty normal, same with the second one, but the third one. She hurts herself. I'm one reason why she isn't dead right now. I opened the fourth one.

Dear Niall,

First off. Happy Birthday!! I can't believe your 20. It's crazy.

School was horrible today...

I know this is stupid, and you get asked every day. My twitter name is @JacLuvsNialler if you follow me then I'll know you read my letters. I just need to know. It's killing me to know.

Again Happy Birthday Nialler. Love you.

Love always,

I got my phone out and searched her name on twitter. When I found it my thumb hovered over the follow button. I finally tapped the screen.

You are now following @JacLuvsNialler!

I put the letters back in my pocket and waited for the plane to land.

Dear Niall {A Niall Horan Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now