April 30, 2014

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April 30, 2014

Jackie's POV

I'v seen Niall I think ten times now. Every chance he gets to come to New York he takes it. We have a lot of fun together. The last time he came over we went to an art museum and he almost knocked over one of the priceless statues.

Ever since that one night that Evan came in upset. That night he got hit after four years of forgetting it ever happened. That night he told me everything. He's been different. He keeps his distance sometimes. He's too quiet most times. I don't know if something's wrong or not. I'm just tired of him acting like this, and I want the other Evan back.

I took out my Polaroid. For photography class I have to take a picture of someone I care about. Obviously right away I picked Evan. I would'v gone for Niall too, but he's not here. We've had this assignment for a few days and it's due Friday. He was sitting across the room from me listening to music, like always. The light coming in from the window hit him just perfectly. I pointed my camera at him.

"Hey Evan." He looked up at me and I took the picture. I shook it, then looked at it when it developed. He's looking strait ahead. He wasn't smiling, but he wasn't frowning.

"Photography class?" Just one simple question.

"Yea." He didn't say anything after that he just looked back down at his phone.

Dear Niall {A Niall Horan Fanfiction}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora