November 6, 2013

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November 6, 2013

Jackie's POV

I woke up to the blinding lights for the last time. My mom is working today, and my dad doesn't care enough to come get me. Instead my friend agreed to come pick me up. All she knows is that I got hurt really bad, that's why I'v been in the hospital for two and a half weeks. She doesn't know the real reason. After getting dressed, and signing my own release papers, I met her out front. She gave me a warm smile as I got in.

"How are you?" She asked as the car crawled forward.

"I'm fine." It came out before I even thought about it. "Can we stop at the post office? I have to check something."

"Sure." We didn't talk much the whole ride. I went in, got my letter from Niall, then she took me to my house. I can't call it home because a home is where you feel safe, and loved. I thanked her, then walked in. I went strait to my room. Sitting on my bed I ripped the envelope open.

He actually called her. He didn't say what she said, just that he called. I got my notebook out and explained everything to him.

Dear Niall,

Please, please, please don't be mad at me.

I attempted

I forgot to go get your letter during lunch. I was too busy crying in the girls bathroom. It was worst than any other day. I won't go into detail, I don't wanna think about it. I got home and my dad hit me, screamed at me for no reason, then hit me again. I was crying in my room. I cut, then decided 'This is it. I can't live like this anymore.' I went in my bathroom and got the bottle of my mom's meds. I think I downed fifteen before everything got dizzy. I swallowed more, then heard my door open and my mother screaming as I hit the floor. The next day I woke up in the hospital. They said I was lucky. They said I should be dead.

Who said I wanted to be alive?

They kept me there for two and a half weeks. They said it was a good idea to put me into rehab to help me get better, but my dad didn't agree to it. He said he didn't want to wast his money on something so stupid.

So for now I still cut, I'm still depressed as fuck, and I'm still anorexic. The hospital tried to force food down my throat. It didn't work too well so they just put all the nutrients through a tube. It was weird.

Please don't think I forgot about you. Please.

To answer your question, I don't know. I don't know how a man can hurt their own daughter. Or their own child for that matter.

My school told me that if I finish up this semester then I can graduate in January. My guidance counselor said that I have so many credits from taking so many art classes, and photography classes. That means I could start college soon.

I already know what college I wanna go to too. It's a college for art and photography.

I love you. I didn't forget about you.

Love always,

I put it in an envelope and walked to the post office to send it. The post office is quite a walk from my house, but I don't mind. Anything to clear my head, and get away from that place.

Dear Niall {A Niall Horan Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now