July 31, 2014

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July 31, 2014

Niall's POV

Jackie has been here with me for two weeks. It's been fun, but I just got told that we're going on tour for two months. It's a short tour, and really short notice. We're leaving in a week.

I unlocked the door and walked in. Jackie was on the couch watching the rams game. I found out that she loves football. Well she loves American football, and 'soccer'. She loves sports in general, her favorite color is blue, she loves dogs, and she draws a lot. Not just when she's bored. She'll randomly take out a pen or sharpie and start doodling on whatever is in front of her. I love watching her draw because it's just so cool to watch it happen right in front of me.

"Niall? You ok?" I snapped out of my thoughts and noticed she was smiling at me. Even though it's summer shes wearing a sweatshirt, the sleeves pulled down over her hands.

"Ya, why?"

"You were staring at me."

"I was just thinking." I walked into the kitchen after taking my shoes off. She followed close behind. "Hey you wanna go out for chinese? I don't feel like cooking."

"Sure just let me go change." She was wearing short shorts even thought she was wearing a sweatshirt. She looked fine to me. A few minutes later she came back down in jeans and the same hoodie. I quite literally dragged her out the door. The car ride was full of laughing and just talking.

We got a table and ordered. Well I ordered, she said she's not hungry but settled with water. I need to bring up the subject about how important it is for her to eat, without her getting mad at me though. I won't right now though. My food came and I started eating.

"Are you sure you don't want anything? I feel guilty eating in front of you." I asked.

"I'm sure. I'm fine."

"Management told us today that we're going on tour for two months." She didn't say anything at first, she just stared right back at me. "We're leaving in a week." She still didn't say anything. "You can still stay at my house. I'm going to give you a key to use. Promise to text me to let me know how your doing?"

"I promise."


Dinner was good. I wasn't able to get her to eat anything. She didn't say a lot about me leaving, that was expected though.

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