October 16, 2013

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October 16, 2013

Jackie's POV

I got Niall's letter on the fourteenth, but I haven't written him back yet. I feel bad about it, but I needed some time to think weather I should show him or not. I ran upstairs after telling my mom, yet again, that I wasn't hungry. I got my notebook out, and a pen. I put some music on and started to write.

Dear Niall.

Sorry I haven't written back yet. I needed to think. I don't know. You can text her and tell her, but I don't know if I'll go. My father probably wouldn't let me go. Go ahead and tell her though if you want to.

My birthday is the 25th of January. Last year it was horrible. My dad yelled at me even more than usual. I got tripped in the hall. The one bully that rides my bus punched me square in the face. My mom got me a Polaroid camera, and my dad gave me a slap across the face.

That's why your letter got here so quickly. That's pretty cool.

Curiosity killed the cat. I had to think for awhile about showing you. I had mental fights with myself about it. It sounds funny I know, it kind of is. I took a picture with my Polaroid.

Love always,

I pulled my sweatshirt off, and slipped my bracelets off. I set up my camera so I could push the button with my nose so it would show both arms. I let the picture clear up, then I folded my letter with the picture inside. I'll mail it tomorrow during my lunch period.

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