November 9, 2014

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November 9, 2014

Jackie's POV

Niall said that him and the guys have one interview in the morning then they're just going to hang out the rest of the day. Niall asked if I wanted to come along and meet the boys. He said that I would have to wait until after the interview though. They're all meeting up at Harry's after. I'm really nervous to meet them. Niall walked into the room and noticed I was staring at the wall. I'v been ready for almost an hour now. And they say girls take the longest in the morning.

"Hey, babe. You ok?" He asked me.

"Ya I'm fine. I'm just nervous about meeting the guys. I love them, I'v been a fan for forever. What if they don't like me? What will they say or think if they see my scars?"

"They'll love you. If they notice they'll say something to me later. They'd never say anything to your face about it. I won't tell them anything unless it's ok with you."

"Well I already know them so well, but let me meet them first, then I'll let you know." He nodded in understanding. "Let's go I don't want you to be late." I pulled him out the door. I'm wearing my white Adidas, dark blue jeans, and I stole Niall's grey zip up. He's wearing Adidas, light blue jeans, and a white tee shirt. He put a jacket on before we left though.

When we got there All the guys were looking at me. I forgot they don't know who I am or what I look like. I talked to them once over text, but I don't think that counts as meeting them. They know I'm a friend of Niall's, but as far as I know that's all they know. Niall dragged me by my arm into a small room. The guys all followed and sat down, but Niall went over to Lou. He was late, I knew he would be. The only people in the room are the five lunatics, Lou, and I. Lou started working on Niall's hair. The guys were still looking at me so I walked over to Niall. He's on his phone.

"Do they know I'm your girlfriend? Their staring at me and it's creeping me out." He laughed that adorable laugh.

"Lads? This is my girlfriend Jackie. Honey you already know them." So much for waiting until after the interview. Louis was the first one to stand up.

"Hi. I thought it was you, but I wasn't sure." He shook my hand. Each of the guys came up to me and shook my hand.

"Why are you guys being so formal? I'm not the queen." They laughed. Ok so this isn't all bad. "I'm a huge fan of yours. Just act like I'm your fan." They glanced at each other then attacked me with a group hug. I was in a fit of laughter. I love these boys.

"Oi! Get up off of her for a minute! Can you come her babe?" I could hear my Irish boyfriend calling me. I left them to go to him. "In the interview they're going to ask who's single, and who's taken. They always do. What do you want me to say? It's up to you."

"It's really up to you. I don't mind. You know what I'v been through, and what I'm still going through." He gave me a questioning look. Lou looked away for a minute to search for something, and the guys were messing around and talking. I pulled my sleeve up discretely to show him the recent marks on both my arms. His face instantly grew sad.


"No. No baby it's because of you. You didn't do anything. I'll tell you later. It's up to you weather you want to say. I'll be watching. Oh and if they ask you about it later you can tell them, I don't mind." I gave him a kiss as the guys made kissing noises at us. I smiled then left to stand over where nobody could really see me. It was kind of like a talk show. The host looked at the camera as they pointed to him.

"Now I'd like to welcome world famous boy band. One Direction!" He stood as my boys came out. He shook each of they're hands and said hello. They sat down and the interview began. Someone came up next to me.

Dear Niall {A Niall Horan Fanfiction}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora