March 9, 2014

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March 9, 2014

Jackie's POV

Niall and I still talk. We've gone to texting instead of writing letters. It's faster and a lot easier. We've been texting a lot lately. I told him how Evan and I are dating now. Also just a bunch of random things, anything that comes to mind. Evan and I have been dating for five weeks. It's been really good.

He's been acting strange lately though. He left this morning to go visit his parents and his sister. She's twelve now and he showed me a picture of her one night, she's so pretty. She looks exactly like him it's so weird. He has a license, but still no car so I let him borrow my truck. It's better than riding the train I guess.

I'm looking through pictures in my drawer by my bed when I found a picture of Evan when he was ten. How'd this get here? It was probably here before I got here, and he just forgot about it. His sister looked three sitting on his lap, behind them stood a man and a woman. I'm guessing that's his mom and dad. I kept looking for anymore pictures I'v taken when I found another picture of Evan. It was of him and a different man. In this one Evan looked thirteen or fourteen, but the man's face has an 'x' scratched onto the picture.

Evan walked in and he looked really upset. He slammed the door and threw my keys onto my bed.

"Hey Evan? Who's this man?" I asked standing up and showing him the picture.

"No one." He answered as he plugged his phone into his charger. He sat on his bed, rested his elbows on his knees, and covered his face with his hands. I moved so I was sitting on the floor in front of him. I noticed he was slightly shaking. I put my hands on his wrists to try to get him to loosen up. He jerked away from my touch. I tried again.

"Don't touch me." I tried to see his face, but he wouldn't let me. I pushed his hair away from his face and noticed a huge red mark on the side of his face.

"Oh my god. What happened?" I asked concerned.

"Nothing." He tried to brush it off.

"Did something happen at your parents?" He just ignored my question. "Come on Evan, you can tell me." He just looked at me. Those sad blue eyes stared into my brown eyes.

"You want to know what happened? Fine! That one is of my real father, he died when I was seven. One year later my mom remarried. My step father has always hit me. Ever since I was ten. When he started going after my little sister I tried to fight back. That only made things worst for me!" Tears slowly started to roll down his cheeks. "I was so fucking scared that whenever I looked at him I would get panic attacks. When I turned fourteen I started cutting. I stopped when I was sixteen because I moved out, but now. What happened tonight." He started to cry. Full out cry. I held his face in my hands and continued to look into his deep blue eyes. "He got mad at me because my mom divorced his sorry ass. She saw him hitting my sister. He blamed me for it. He hit me. All my fears came back in that one hit." I wiped his tears away.

All I could think to do was hug him. So I did. I held him tight. He continued to shake in my arms. I think he's having another panic attack. He pulled away and kissed me. Our lips molded together perfectly. We pulled apart.

"I love you." He was first to say it.

"I love you too." I didn't even have to think about it. Without a doubt I loved him. I climbed onto his bed with him and pressed his head against my chest. He was still shaking, and his breathing was still uneven. I ran my fingers through his long hair trying to get him to calm down. He was still shaking uncontrollably.

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