February 14, 2015

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February 14, 2015

Jackie's POV

My job has been going really well. I have two scheduled tattoos, and I still get walk ins sometimes. In walked a couple. I noticed the guy has a few tattoos but the girl didn't well non that you could see. I could tell they were my appointment. They came over to me after talking to Cassie.

"Hi, I'm Chris. Are you Jackie?"

"Yes I am." I shook his hand then his girlfriends hand as well.

"I'm Julie."

"So what do you guys want to get?" Chris took out a piece of paper.

"We want to get matching tattoos for Valentines day." I smiled at the typical thing to do on Valentines day.


I stopped at the store before I went home to get a small stuffed animal for Niall. He had stuff going on with the guys today. They had a few interviews and they were gonna be in the studio too.

I stepped inside the cozy home. I took my shoes off and headed towards our room. I changed into sweatpants and a sweatshirt. I walked back downstairs to start dinner. I was done with the spaghetti in no time. The sauce wont take long. I started it then heard the door open. Niall walked in and gave me a long kiss. He presented red roses to me.

"Red roses are my favorite." I said smelling them.

"Really?" I nodded. I put them in a vase and turned back to the sauce. I reached into my sweatshirt pocket and pulled out the small puppy with a heart on it's chest. I handed it to Niall and a small smile formed on his face.

"I love you." He said as I stirred the sauce.

"I love you too." He wrapped his arms around me and rested his chin on my shoulder. He stayed that way until I was done. I worry about him sometimes, cause at first his knee was sore from the surgery. I thought he was over doing it or something, but it turned out fine. He still says it's a little sore, but the doctor did say he'd be like that for a while.


We spent the whole night kissing, and just sitting on the couch. We don't like to do a lot, but as long as we're with each other.

Dear Niall {A Niall Horan Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now