October 31, 2014

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October 31, 2014

Niall's POV

Jackie and I have been dating for three weeks and I'm planning on asking her to be my girlfriend today. I don't want to do anything fancy. I'm going to make us dinner, put the game on, then ask her. She talked to the guys over a text conversation last week. They seem to like her, I'm just waiting for them to meet her.

The reason why I'm going so slow with everything with her is because I don't want her to rush into anything. Also her last relationship didn't end too well. I know she loves the guys, but I'm going to give them some time to warm up to her. They don't know her yet.

I haven't seen any new cuts on her arms in almost a week, and I'v been slowly getting her to eat. She's been doing pretty good. I tell her everyday how proud of her I am. She always blushes and looks down when I say it though.

Right now I'm cooking dinner. I sent Jackie out to the store to get something I don't really need. I set up the table, and put the pot of dinner in the middle of the table. She opened the door and put the keys by the front door.

"Hey, I found the blood pudding you wanted." She said looking at the box strangely. She slipped her shoes off as she continued to look at it. "It took awhile, but I found it." I honestly didn't think she'd find it. She finally looked up. "Did you make dinner?" She asked coming towards me.

"Ya. I hope that's alright."

"It's perfectly fine." She gave me a hug and a small kiss. We're not officially a couple yet, but we definitely act like it. I pulled the chair out for her to sit, then sat across from her. She took a little to start. At least she's eating now.


Jackie's POV

"Thank you for dinner. It was really good." I said to Niall as I got up from the table.

"Anytime." He smiled then put our dishes in the dishwasher. He led me into the living room and put the game on. I sat next to him and wrapped my arm around his. The game was going into the second quarter when he turned towards me. He looked into my eyes and took a noticeably deep breath.

"Jackie?" I looked up at him. "Will you be my girlfriend?" I didn't know what to do. I wanted to say yes, but my mouth wouldn't move. No words would come out. I saw him start to worry. I blinked twice.

"Yes. Of course I will." He pressed his lips against mine. Our lips melted together. I was on cloud nine. It's nothing like when Evan kissed me, it was way better. I pulled away and looked into his eyes, my forehead resting on his.

"I love you." I whispered it as though it were forbidden.

"I love you too. I always will." He didn't even hesitate. Evan once told me he would always love me. Look what happened with that. He hit me. My eyes started getting watery. Of course Niall was still looking into my eyes so he noticed right away. He pulled away and looked at me. Not smiling.

"Did I say something wrong?" He asked. I shook my head no. "If you tell me what's wrong I can help. Please tell me." He held onto my hands.

"Evan always told me he would always love me. Then he hit me, punched me. He called me worthless, told me nobody cared about me." I started to cry now. "And the worst thing of it all was that when he told me he loved me, I believed it." He pulled me into a hug.

"I love you. I'm not lying like Evan did. I absolutely, positively, endlessly, love you. Your worth more than you'll ever know. I care about you. Your kind, beautiful, and now mine. I'll never let you go. He was an ass for ever doing that to you." He held me tight and kept kissing the top of my head, and whispering sweet things in my ear.

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