January 26, 2014

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January 26, 2014

Jackie's POV

I packed my truck, said goodbye to my mom, then headed to the post office. I got Niall's letter then headed to the place I will spend the next two or three years.

It's now ten am so I have two hours to get there. It's only an hour and a half drive. I'm heading out to Syracuse. It seems too quiet in the truck so I turned the radio on. The first song that came on is Diana by One Direction. I seriously forgot their newest album came out in November. I was so busy with college and graduation stuff that I totally forgot. I'll go to the store later after orientation and after I get settled in.


I pulled in and I noticed someone standing outside the front entrance with a clipboard. I pulled up next to her and rolled my window down.

"Excuse me?" Hi I'm here for orientation. Where can I park?" She looked at me with a bored expression.

"Over there." She pointed to a small parking area. "Park, then bring your stuff in with you. You sign your name in with me, then continue into the main lobby to get your room number. I'll tell you the rest when you get inside." I nodded thanking her. I quickly parked, grabbed my stuff then headed over to her. I put a check by my name, then followed her inside. I stood towards the back of everyone else. There were about two girls, and six guys. The woman at the front of the building was now at the front of the room. She asked everyone to quiet down, and to give their attention to her.

"Ok. I'm going to give you your room number shortly. Some rooms might be boy-girl mixed. If your not comfortable with that then see the head of administration. When you get your room number put your things in your room, then I'll give you all ten minutes to meet your new room mate. After ten minutes I'll have someone show you all around. You will begin your classes tomorrow." She proceeded to call a name. They went forward, got their room number, key, then left the room. I was fourth to get called up.

"Jackie?" I nodded at her. "Your room number is twenty eight." She handed me a key, and I started down the hall rolling my suitcase behind me. I knocked on the thick wooden door. Someone on the other side said to come in. I slowly opened the door. A guy was sitting on his bed on his phone. He had shoulder length black hair that was extremely curly. He also had bright, piercing blue eyes. As I looked at him a second longer I could see gauges in his ears.

I looked around the room realizing I was staring at him. The room isn't too small. There's a window on the left side of the room. Two beds on ether side, and two dressers. He occupied the bed on the right so I set my luggage on the bed closest to the window. I turned around to meet his eyes already on mine.

"Jackie, right?" I nodded. "My names Evan. Nice to meet you." He stuck his hand out for me to shake it. I took it smiling up at him. He must be at least six foot five. "Ho do you like the school so far?"

"Well the head lady is pretty mean."

"Oh ya. Don't worry about her. She's always pissy." I like this guy already. He seems nice.

"So how long have you been here for?" I ask.

"About a week. Can I see your schedule? I can help you around campus. It gets confusing at first." I handed it over. "Be careful of Mrs. Dun, she's really strict. She must have a stick up her ass or something." He said referring to my painting class teacher. "We have every class together. Only I don't have free time at two fifteen." He said giving me my schedule back. "Where do you come from anyway?"

"I come from a small town near Utica. How about you?"

"East Hampton."

"That's pretty far from here."

"Ya, I guess. I don't have a car so I had to take the train. It was nine hours and fifty eight minutes long. Since I don't have a ride I had to get a job relatively close. Just to let you know I work late nights, and sometimes on weekends."

"I have a truck. I wouldn't mind driving you somewhere."

"Really? Thanks." A speaker from over our heads came on.

"All new arrivals come to the main lobby to be shown around." I looked to Evan.

"I'll see you later then?"

"Ya sure." I nodded awkwardly and started towards the main lobby.


Niall's POV

I slowly opened my eyes. We're in Australia for one more day. I looked at my phone. One thirty. Damn I didn't think I woke up that late. Oh well. It's not like I have anything to do today. Today is a lazy day for me. We don't have a show tonight, but we have one tomorrow. The guys were going sight seeing today, except for me and Zayn of course. Almost no one can get Zayn up.

I'v been having management send all my mail to Australia. I haven't gotten my mail yet today, because if I'm sleeping Paul just leaves it by the door. I went to twitter and looked around. I saw Jackie had tweeted something our minutes ago.

"I love my college! It's so nice, I love all my classes, and my room mate is pretty nice."

She sounds happy. It's nice to know that she's happy right now. I still haven't asked her her schedule. I'll ask her when her next letter comes.

Dear Niall {A Niall Horan Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now