April 5, 2015

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April 5, 2015

Jackie's POV

There was a huge fight at the shop. Somehow I got pulled into it. I finally got home and sat on the couch. I need to calm down. My phone vibrated in my pocket. I took it out and looked at the text.

"Miss me? Look on twitter."

It's the unknown person again. What the hell? Check twitter? I did as said. Big mistake. So much hate was flooding through. It all hit me like a ton of ricks. It just kept coming, no sign of stopping any time soon.

"All of it's true."

The person texted me again. I continued to read the tweets sent to me out of hate. Things about Niall dumping me, about Niall cheating on me. Then I saw the pictures. Pictures of Niall holding hands with a model from Ireland. Then of him and her hugging, and kissing, and going on dates. At first I thought they were fake, but as I look at them closer, they seem more real. I went upstairs, not being able to deal with it. My anger, and now the feelings I have about the things on twitter, are not a good combination. I got into our bed once I opened our door. I started crying on the pillow. I promised Niall I wouldn't do it again. I can't break my promise to him. Even though he broke his promise to always love me.


I heard the front door open and close. Niall walked into the bedroom and changed his shirt. He then noticed me laying there. He walked into the bathroom to get something.

"Hey babe. What do you want for dinner?"

"I'm not hungry." His facial expression changed instantly to worried. He sat on the bed next to me.

"What's wrong?" He rubbed my back slowly.

"You promised." I choked out. "You promised that you would always love me. Then I have to find out from twitter that your going on dates, hugging, kissing, and holding hands with a model from Ireland?"

"Those aren't real. How did you find the pictures anyway?"

"That number is texting me again. They told me to check twitter, and your fans are sending the pictures to me telling me that your cheating on me."

"Those pictures aren't real. Please believe me. I love you and only you. Give me your phone, I'm gonna block that number again."

"No. They said if I block them again then their gonna give my number to all the Directioners that hate me." I sat up and switched to crying on Niall's chest. He rubbed my back, comforting me. When I calmed down I looked into his eyes.

"Don't even look at those texts. You get one, delete it. Ok? I don't want to come home to you upset anymore. I love you too much to see you so upset. You don't deserve all the hate, any of it. I love you so much."

"I love you too." He softly pressed his lips to mine. "I almost did it again."

"Did what?" He asked. I twisted my ring my mom gave me around my finger. "Jackie?" I looked up. "Did what?" I pointed to my left arm.

"Added to the scars." I whispered. He didn't say anything. He got up, grabbed a sharpie from somewhere, and sat next to me again. He took my left arm in his hand and drew the outline of a heart just below the inside of my elbow.

"I love you. If you cut again you'll ether not be a warrior, or brake my love." He hugged me and I just sat there hugging him back. I feel so safe in his arms. Like nothing in the world can ever harm me. I thought I used to feel that way about Evan, but he turned out to be the one to hurt me. I know that that's not the case with Niall. He would never hurt anyone. Especially me.

Dear Niall {A Niall Horan Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now