October 11, 2013

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October 11, 2013

Jackie's POV

I walked to the post office during my lunch period. At my school only the seniors are aloud to go out. Something happened with spray paint and cigarettes, so the eleventh graders can't go out anymore. I picked up my first letter from Niall. I read it on my way back to school. I still can't believe he wanted to write back to me, and that it's actually him.


I got home and started to walk up the stairs. The bus was a little late getting home, new bus driver. My mom's in the kitchen cooking dinner, and my father's in the living room sitting on his ass like usual. And I'm the one that doesn't do anything around here.

"Dinner will be ready in a few minutes." She called as I passed.

"I'm not hungry." I called behind me.

"Well if you get hungry come down and get something." I said ok, but I won't come down later. I closed my door, and once again, got out my notebook. I put my headphones in and started to write to Niall.

Dear Niall,

You have no idea how happy you made me by writing me back. I still can't believe that it's really you writing to me.

Please don't feel bad for me, I don't deserve for someone to feel bad for me. Plus there are plenty of people out there that need sympathy.

The bruise is now brownish. It's not big, but it's definitely noticeable. Thanks for asking.

The first time I hurt myself I was 12. I didn't do it again until I was 14. I only did it a couple times then. But a month or two before I turned 15 was when it really started up. I started to get bullied more, and my dad started yelling at me more. It was too much and I couldn't take it. I had to have some way to get rid of the pain. I'v been cutting ever since I was 15.

I'm fine. How are you?

I feel like I can tell you anything. I'v never told anyone that I hurt myself, or what I'm about to tell you.

I self harm, I have mild depression, and I'm anorexic. I take medication for the depression but I don't always take it. It makes me feel woozy, and I can't concentrate in school.

I have never told anyone that. My parents don't know any of it. I go to the doctors alone since I can drive, and I'v been getting the medication from him. I just got home late from school and my mother told me that dinner would be ready in a few minutes. I told her I'm not hungry.

What advice would you give someone who wants to be a singer?

Love always,

I set it aside and went into my bathroom to do what I'v become addicted to. Watch blood leave my body.

Dear Niall {A Niall Horan Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now