January 26, 2015

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January 26, 2015

Jackie's POV

I got a call from two tattoo shops this afternoon. One was from the place I had an interview with, they didn't think I was right for their shop. The other was from for another job at a tattoo shop. The other place I applied for tried to help me out and gave my portfolio to another place they knew. Well they love my work and want to meet me.

I woke up late and Niall left me a note saying he had to do something and he'll see me later. I got dressed after getting the call and left immediately. Now I'm sitting in Shamrock Tattoo. The guy I have an interview with is finishing up a tattoo then he said he'd be right with me.

I don't know if it's a temporary job or a full time one yet. He'll let me know soon though. A man covered in tattoos walked in. I shamelessly looked at his tattooed arms as I stood up. I shook his hand.

"Hello, I'm Jim. Will you follow me?" I nodded then followed him into his office.


"Thank you for coming in. I'll call you and let you know." I shook his hand again.

"Than you for having me come in." He walked me to the door and I got a taxi to go home. The interview went really good. I was worried about it, but now I know that I didn't need to worry. I opened the door and set my stuff down.

I walked upstairs and changed my top into a sweatshirt. My phone buzzed in my pocket. It's Niall.

"Hey babe, r u home?"

"Ya. When u comin home?"

"Can u actually meet me in the park?"



"K b there soon."

I checked the time, nine forty two, then put my sneakers back on and headed out the door. The park isn't that far away so I'll just walk. As I got closer I can see lights in the trees. I got to the middle of the lit up trees. There's a table, and some speakers set up. I stood in marvel of the lights  when I felt strong arms wrap around me from behind.

"I didn't get to do this yesterday because of what happened. So we're celebrating your birthday tonight." I heard that Irish accent behind me. He kissed me on the cheek, then four other lads I know ran to me and gave me a huge group hug.

"I hope you guys didn't let Niall over do it." I said when they started to let go of me.

"We barley let him do anything." Liam reassured me.

"Let's get this party started!" Louis shouted. He ran over to a turn table and started pressing buttons. The beginning of Strong started. Strong is one of my favorite songs by the guys.


By one in the morning we were all acting like goof balls. I got to talk to each of the guys. I think they all like me now. I know that Harry will always be my buddy though. I think Niall, Harry, and Liam are still the only ones who know what I used to do to myself.

"Hey lads. How about two more songs then we'll head home yea?" Niall said. They all agreed. A song by Gym Class Heroes started. I sat at the table with Niall and Zayn. Zayn took out his cigarettes and lighter.

"Hey, Zayn, would you mind not doing that? Or at least do it farther away? Jac's allergic to that shit." Niall said next to me.

"Sorry. I didn't know." He got up nodding.

"It's ok." He softly smiled at me then went across the park. Liam, Harry, and Louis were doing some pretty weird dance moves. They always say how they hate dancing, and that their horrible dancers. Their were right. After that song ended Liam put on Just The Way You Are by Bruno Mars.

Niall grabbed my hand and pulled me to the middle of all the lit up trees. Liam saw and turned up the volume and took his phone out. I started to slow dance with my Irish boyfriend. He wrapped his arms around my waist loosely, and I rested my arms on his shoulder. I looked into his eyes and he mouthed the lyrics of the song to me.

"Your amazing, just the way you are." He said to me when the song ended. Earlier we had cake, and they forced me to accept the gifts they got me.Niall gave me a medal four leave clover neckless. Harry got me a book that Demi Lovato wrote called Staying Strong: 365 Days A Year. Zayn heard that I want to be a tattoo artist, and that I'm applying for some jobs, so he got me a tattoo kit with a tattoo gun and everything. I'v been talking about wanting to get a tattoo so Louis told me he'd pay for my first tattoo, and Liam got me these amazing headphones from beoplay. Niall and I walked home with the street lights over our heads. I totally forgot about my job offer until now.

"I got a call from the tattoo place this afternoon." I slipped in as we walked.

"What's they say?" Niall asked slightly swinging our connected hands. He doesn't walk with his crutches anymore, but he still lips pretty bad.

"They said I wasn't right for their shop."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Maybe there's another place that has an opening?"

"Well after that call I got a call from a different shop called Shamrock Tattoo. They said that the first place I applied for wanted to help me out and sent my portfolio to them. I had an interview type thing earlier. They seemed very pleased and said they'd call."

"That's great! Do you know if it's full time?"

"It is. It's eight until whenever, and I'll get paid about five hundred a month. It depends."

"That's really good. I'm proud of you." We walked until we got home. Niall carried my book and headphones, and I carried my tattoo gun case with my neckless around my neck. I won't take it off any time soon. I'v had that light blue To Write Love On Her Arms bracelet from Evan in the back of my drawer. I don't plan on wearing it ever again. I have nothing against the organization, it's just the meaning behind the bracelet itself.

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