January 20, 2015

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January 20, 2015

Niall's POV

Jackie got her stitches out a couple days ago. She said it hurt worst to get them out. My knee doesn't hurt anymore, but I still use my crutches sometimes. Her 20th birthday is in five days. I have something planned, but I'm not saying anything about it.

I tell her everyday how proud of her I am. She's eating regularly, she's put on some weight but it's a good thing. She looks healthy now, not skin and bones. She's not cutting anymore, that I know of, and she said that she doesn't want to die anytime soon.

She walked in the room and smiled when she saw me in the recording booth. We're recording for the new album. I finished up my part and stepped out.

"I thought you said you wouldn't make it to the studio tonight?" I asked after giving her a short kiss.

"I didn't think I would be able to. I had a job interview at the police station, and at a tattoo shop."

"How'd they go?" We sat down on the couch and the guys suddenly got interested too.

"I showed the tattoo shop the tattoos I did in college, and they looked really pleased. I'm not so sure about the police station though."

"Well at least it went well with the tattoo shop. I know you really want to get that one the most."

"M-Hm." She rested her head on my shoulder.

"Tired?" I laughed.

"No. I'v just missed you today, that's all." I haven't been around that much the past two days. I'v been busy in the studio with the lads, she understands why but I know what she means.

"Hey, you know what's in five days?" I asked trying to cheer her up.


"Yes, what else?"

"The twenty fifth of January?"

"Yes. Nothing comes to mind?"


"It's your twentieth birthday!"

"Oh ya. That."

"What's wrong? Aren't you happy?"

"I guess." I pulled her close to me and made her look in my eyes. They guys went back to what they were doing before.

"What's wrong?"

"My dad called again." I grabbed her hand and guided her into the hallway. "He said he wants me to go to New York for my birthday. I told him my money situation and he said he would buy the plane ticket. I don't wanna see him." She's now on the verge of tears. I wiped them away with my thumb.

"Don't worry about it too much. Just say you can't cause you have things to do over here."

"I tried. He said that if I won't go over there then he'll come here."

"How about this? I'll go with you. We'll only stay for a day. If it starts getting bad then we'll leave. Sound o?"

"Ya. I just don't want to go through this again." She said motioning towards her arms. Harry and Liam are the only ones so far who know. When the lads came to visit me after my surgery Liam saw them and asked me to explain. He thought I was doing it to her. Zayn and Louis have no idea. I'm not telling them unless they ask.

"I know you don't, love. Sometimes we just have to face the bullet." I gave her a hug, then we walked back in. I'll just move my plans to the twenty sixth.

"Hey guys do we have anything planned on the twenty fifth?"

"I don't think so, why?" Liam gave me a questioning look. I told the lads about my plan for that night.

"I'm going to New York with Jackie."

"New York?! I wanna go!" Louis yelled.

"It's not New York City. It's a really small town with a population of less than eight thousand." Jac said slightly laughing next to me.

"Aw." Louis calmed down. "Why would you want to go there if there's not that many people?"

"It's where I grew up."

"Oh. Now I understand."

"Did you even know I'm from New York Lou?"

"Ya I knew! I just thought you meant New York City." She laughed next to me.

"I wouldn't survive in New York City. I'm from a small town where nothing ever happens." She laughed, and the guys smiled at her.

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