June 1, 2015

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June 1, 2015

Jackie's POV

I didn't wanna tell him until I was completely sure. Now I'm sure. I'm going to New York then I'm leaving from there. I'll talk to him tonight. I knocked on Jim's office door.

"Come in!" He called out. I pushed the door open, then closed it behind me. I sat down in a chair across from him. "Hey Jackie."

"Hey Jim. Um, I wanted to talk to you about something." He put down his pencil and leaned back in his chair, sensing I was serious. "I would like to resign. I love this job, it's the best possible job I could ever have. I'm going to New York then going somewhere else from there."

"Of course, but if you decide to come back then your always welcome. Remember that."

"Thank you." I got up and gave him a hug. He handed me my last paycheck. I packed up my tattoo machine and said goodbye to my friends. I don't feel like walking home so I got a taxi. It's about six thirty when I walked up the driveway. Niall's Range Rover is in the driveway. I walked in and went right passed him carrying my tattoo stuff. He gave me a strange look when I came back downstairs.

"Why do you have your tattoo stuff with you? Don't you usually leave it at the shop?" He asked as I sat next to him.

"Ya. I resigned today."

"What? I thought you loved that job?"

"I do. I need to talk to you." He gave me his full attention. "I want to go into the army. I want to go to New York, get a hotel room for one night, then enroll into the army." I waited for what he was gonna say.


"June seventh."

"That's next week." He looks upset.

"I know, but I really wanna do this and I'm certain I want to."

"But, are you positive? I don't want you to go though. People die during wars. I don't wanna lose you."

"I know, I thought about it for awhile. I also thought you'd say that." I pulled out the letter I grabbed from the pile earlier.

Niall's POV

She handed me one of the letters she never intended on me reading. I took it hesitantly and opened it.

Dear Niall,

I'v been thinking of dropping out of college and just enrolling into the army. I'v always wanted to go into the army. Ever since I was in 7th grade.

I think it would be a huge honor to fight for my country. My grandfather, on my mom's side, was in the army. Three of my cousins are in the army, and one is in the navy.

When I got into the high school in 7th grade they had a table set up with information about the army during lunch for a week. I always looked at the guys at the table, in their uniform. I used to think how great it'd be. Then when I was in 12th grade they had someone from the army come and talk to us about it. Whenever my cousins come home they talk about all the different places they've been, and the people they've met, and the things they've gone through.

It's just something I'v always wanted to do.

Love always,

I looked at her. My head slowly started to nod without me knowing it.

"Ok. If it's something you wanna do then go ahead. Nobody can tell you you can't do something. Just make sure you keep me posted."

"I will I promise. I'm so glad you letting me!" She wrapped her arms around my neck. I laughed and wrapped mine around her waist. "I really wouldn't have gone if you said no."

"I'm going to miss you so much."

"I'm gonna miss you too." I leaned towards her and pressed my lips against hers. We stayed like that for awhile. I'm so going to miss kissing her.

Dear Niall {A Niall Horan Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now