January 25, 2015

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January 25, 2015

Jackie's POV

I grabbed my phone and headphones. We're only staying for maybe two hours then we're coming back home. I think of London as my home now. Niall lives here, so this is my home. Niall arranged for a jet. He doesn't want to wast time I think. We got there in record timing. I Sat across from Niall as the jet took off. I'm so nervous I will not fall asleep.


When we got off the jet we rented a car from a near by car rental. We drove for at least an hour and a half. Niall slowly pulled into the driveway that I pointed out. I looked to him as he shut the engine off.

"Cars are weird over here." He's trying to lighten the mood. I smiled at him.

"I used to think that about London." He smiled at me this time. We got out and walked to the door hand in hand. I knocked and I was glad that my mom answered.

"Mom this is Niall, my boyfriend." She shook his hand after giving me a short hug.

"Hello Niall."

"It's nice to meet you Mrs. Dunkle." We walked in and my father is in the chair in the living room. My mom pushed us into the living room.

"Hey, look who decided to show up!" I haven't even been here a full minute and he's already starting. He got up and tried to hug me, but I backed away in fright. He got an angry look in his eyes. A look I was too familiar with.

"Hello sir. I'm Niall Horan." Niall extended his hand.

"H-he's my boyfriend." I stuttered. His eyes shifted to Niall. He shook Niall's hand stiffly.

"Jackie, follow me into the kitchen." He left and I went to bring Niall with me, but he turned around suddenly. "Leave him." I looked at Niall with a terrified look on my face, but left anyway. I sat down at the small square table.

"Why did you bring him here? I said only you."

"He insisted on coming with me."

"Well you can tell him to go back, because your staying here. Your not going back with him." We haven't even been here for ten minutes and he's already telling me what to do, and he's on the verge of hitting me.

"I'm not moving back here. I live with Niall now, and that's my home." I fought back.

"Your going to do what I tell you to." He grabbed my arm that had the stitches in it. It started to sting and burn. It hurt a lot.

"Let go of me." I said trying mot to cry from the pain.

"No. I am the parent! What I say goes! You listen to me and do what I tell you to!" I'm sure Niall can hear us now.

"I'm twenty now! You can't control my life anymore!" I ripped my arm away. I wasn't able to get up fast enough. He slapped me across the face, hard. I got up and ran into Niall's arms crying. My dad stomped back into the room.

"You always do that! Run and hide!" He yelled at me still. I pulled away from Niall for a second.

"See these?" I asked pulling up my sleeves. "Every single one of them is because of you! It's your fault I tried to kill myself almost a year ago! It's your fault I tried to kill myself again! See these too?" I asked pulling the legs of my jeans up. Showing my bruises. "My last boyfriend abused me!" He didn't say anything. "I hate you and never, ever, want to see you again. I love you mom. I'm sorry this happened." I hugged my mom, then grabbed Niall and dragged him to the door.

"Next time try to go a little deeper!" My father yelled after me. I hate him. We got in the car and I locked the doors. Once I locked the door I started to cry uncontrollably. Niall just sat there holding me close to his chest.

"It's ok. Shhhhh. Your beautiful, gorgeous, smart, talented, artistic, imaginative, important, and I love you. Don't listen to a word he says. He's just trying to bring you down." Niall continued to try to sooth me. "When we get home, I'll get out the ice cream, make us some tea, and we can watch all the movies you want. Deal?" I slowly nodded. I wouldn't let go of him so he drove with one hand, the other wrapped around my shoulders. It wasn't really safe, but I never want to let him go.


Next time try to go a little deeper!

I don't think I'll ever be able to forget that sentence. Niall fell asleep next to me about an hour ago. I put a Harry Potter movie in. I don't know which one, I just grabbed one and put it in.

Niall's head is resting on my shoulder. I don't mean to be corny, but he looks so cute when he's asleep. He snaked his arms around my waist and held onto me tightly. I smiled to myself. It feels so good to have someone you love wrapped around your waist. Without thinking I reached up and ran my fingers through his hair slowly.

I thought today was going to be perfect. Niall got the day off, and I was going to spend the whole day with him. But instead we were on a jet for about five hours. Had a fight with my father. Now my boyfriend is passed out next to me. This moment right now is probably the best part of my day.

He groaned next to me. Slowly waking up to fall back asleep. I chuckled softly. I turned the tv off.

"Niall, babe. Get up."

"Why?" He asked groggily.

"Let's go to bed." He sat up and followed me upstairs after I turned the lights off. I got changed in the bathroom quickly. When I came out he was already in bed. I crawled in next to him and rested my head on his chest. He took a deep breath.

"Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday dear Jac. Happy Birthday to you." He kissed the top of my head lightly. "I'm sorry about what happened today. I know it's not the way you wanted it. It's not what I wanted to happen ether."

"It's fine." I traced my fingers over his bare stomach.

"No, it's not." We didn't say anything for awhile. Next time try to go a little deeper. "Please try not to think about what he said." It's like he can read my mind.

"Do you have tomorrow off too?"

"Ya. So do the guys." He played with the ends of my long hair. "I love you, birthday girl." He whispered in my ear before I fell asleep.

Dear Niall {A Niall Horan Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now